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Everything posted by jessicat

  1. Sorry lady, but I agree with Tigra. When I started skydiving I also had a young child. We went through some unimaginable situations. I too had some serious issues and skydiving did help. HOWEVER, it is by all means selfish. There are other sports and activities that can include your family members. You say your son runs up and hugs you. Whats he supposed to do?! My son was scared to death every time I went to the dropzone. Was I a better Mom because I had a release that really helped me? I really thought so too. Guess what? it IS selfish and YOU are selfish as I was.I was having too good a time and thought my son would think I was a cool Mom. The kids will tell you that if they have too. Do they have a choice anyway? If you have issues with yourself and think this is a "cure" then you really are selfish and should not be skydiving. While they are forced to watch Mom boost her ego, I'm sure they would be better off playing in a sport with MOM watching and boosting THEIR egos. Have you ever considered that they might be scared of you? Food for thought.
  2. Ann...........Keep your chin up!!! I know your pain and fear.Just getting back on my feet myself, and if it wasnt for some really terrific friends (new and old) I would have been f'd. Being new to Houston, I was NUMB when my world came crashing down, but if it dosn't kill you, it will sure make you stronger.Made a donation to paypal, you will be back in no time!!! I've forwarded your resume to a woman who specializes in bill collection placements. Good luck doll!!!!!