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Everything posted by greggfah

  1. The bunk house is under construction right now and should be completed within the next few weeks. The new website is up and we'll be keeping everyone informed of what is going on. hope to see you down there gregg
  2. That's funny... The first tandem picture is of me and Megan G. That photo was taken over Skydive San Diego about a year and a half ago. Very cool to see it on Yahoo. Thanks Gregg
  3. It's actually about 5 miles north of Brown Field at Nichols Field. It is a private airport that is right on the edge of the Otay mountains and Chula Vista. (Pronounced O-tie) It's a beautiful place to jump... Ocean & Downtown Views as well as landing in the Otay Valley. The DZ has a Super Otter and a Skyvan is on the way... gregg
  4. Mike Ortiz's Advanced Flight Institute has moved to Skydive San Diego! The school will offer safe and progressive coaching for all types of body flight. Mike Ortiz will also be load organizing throughout the summer. Mike kicks off the summer this weekend (May 10th & 11), load organizing for all levels of freeflying. For more information check out To schedule coach jumps and additional information email Mike @
  5. Mike Ortiz's Advanced Flight Institute has moved to Skydive San Diego! The school will offer safe and progressive coaching for all types of body flight. Mike Ortiz will also be load organizing throughout the summer. Mike kicks off the summer this weekend (May 10th & 11), load organizing for all levels of freeflying. For more information check out http:\\ To schedule coach jumps and additional information email Mike @
  6. Awesome helmet... I have over 1000 jumps on mine, never had a problem with the angle or latching mechanism. Very easy to use once you practice a few times.
  7. That's awesome that you have made that decision. A bit of caution in your skydiving career can't hurt. It's hard to pass judgement on anyone in this forum because we have not seen each other fly, swoop, etc. I would say that your thinking is correct with starting with straight in front riser, then 45, 90, etc. If you jump at the ranch, I would talk to one of the swoopers there to watch you and ask for their advice. All of us can give you the best advice in the world, but we're not there watching you...
  8. I'll be honest... I've been reading a lot of these posts and it is flat out scary. If you have under a thousand jumps I think you guys really need to reevaluate your decision to go to a cross braced canopy. You can learn a tremendous amount on a Stiletto (Gate Accuracy, Carving, etc.). I truly believe that if you rush down in size that it will hurt you in the long run. Try and learn as much as you can on your stiletto. I'm sure that alot of people will disagree with me on this forum, but we all have our opinions... gregg