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Everything posted by FatButtSitFlyer

  1. I made a deflector for my gopro (picture attached) out of InstaMorph moldable plastic that should prevent lines and risers from hooking the camera around the mount. I like this, and I think Trunk might have told me about this as well. Once you have the shape you want, how do you connect the mold to your helmet? Or does that Insta stuff mold directly on to your helmet?
  2. Mike, I have a quick question for you, as I too have had much difficulty in locating a users manual online. I have an eclipse container (size A, I think???). I bought it with a PD 126R and a Stiletto 135 in it, rig was perfect size, shape and fit. I've since got rid of the Stiletto 135 and would like to pass this rig on to my husband, who needs a larger canopy than a 135. I wonder what size main I could safely fit into this Eclipse size A container? Still have the PD 126R in it, does the manual have recommended reserve/main combinations for the different sized containers made by Eclipse? FatButtSitFlyer in Moab
  3. Doesn't the CX-160 have a built in USB connection that presents issues for mounting? And, that said, does anyone know where the stockpile of CX-150's is located? I would love to get my hands on one.
  4. I'm thinking the second half sounds best. I am more interested in the camaraderie, good scenery, great photo ops. And, of course, there is always the skydiving. My husband and I plan to take our time getting up there, stopping at SD Ogden (Utah) and SD Snakeriver (Idaho) on the way.
  5. Hello all who hava attended the Lost Prairie Boogie in the past. I have a question for anyone who might have an answer, comment or opinion. This year the boogie falls on two weekends 7/23-24 AND 7/30-31. I have never been to this boogie and I'm not sure which weekend will give me more bang for my buck??? Unfortunately, I probably do not have enough vacation time to stick around the entire time, which is what led me here to this forum. Which weekend is recommended for the Lost Prairie "first timer" attendee??"