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  1. hey Xtine, i know how you feel hun, am currently in a plastercast from almost a month ago!with at least another 2 to go only you can decide on whether or not you want to get back up there,dont get me wrong, i have questioned myself about getting back into the sport, but we learn from mistakes afterall, and i've learned a pretty big one from my injury!......dont land like a div and never take on the runway cos it normally bites you back!!! it was a relief to me reading your post and everyone elses replies,(so cheers)!! cos most people are less than sympathetic and whuffos just dont understand why im a grumpy cow for not being able to jump (even though the thought of it daunts me atm)and still go to the dz even though i cant jump! and then turn round and say "well thats what you get for jumping out of planes" i know when my leg is finally mended i will be determined to get back up in the sky,(but only when i'm ready, not when my mates think i am) even with the landing playing on my mind and completely bricking it! but the way i see it , we're told about the risks when we were trained, we still know about the risks when we jump, would it be the same without the risks? whatever decision you make will be the best for you!!