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Everything posted by jnik99

  1. jnik99

    Skydive Alabama

    I dropped in to make some fun jumps and this was an awesome place for it! Made a couple jumps with only seven people on a caravan, it was awesome! The staff and students are friendly,I was invited to join a 100th jump for one of the locals which turned into a 13-way, incomplete, but still great fun.
  2. I jumped at the club a few weeks ago for my first time and found that the staff is really friendly and glad to have foreign jumpers. More than a couple of the staff members speak great English and are glad to help you buy lift tickets, get checked out, and into the air. They do load organizing too, just ask! What aahmadian posted below is mostly correct, just shoot them an email a couple weeks before you are planning to visit to make sure you get them all the information they need and payment prior to your arrival. The landing area is pretty small, but there are plenty of outs. Also, prices have dropped; for now lift tickets are 5,000 Yen, send them an email for other prices. The club house is a very nice, traditional, Japanese house with plenty of floor space to sleep, bathroom, and shower, just a mile or so from the DZ. Definitely plan to drop in if you are visiting Tokyo!
  3. jnik99

    CReW canopy wrap

    Under investigation, word is he was wrapped during a CRW stack and was not able to cut away/pull reserve before impact.
  4. Doyouwanto, I apologize for generalizing my opinion, but it was just that, an opinion. I was directing it at this situation only, however it may not have seemed that way. In this hypothetical situation all the jumpers landed except for two, Bill and one more that was well behind him. I believe Bill made the correct decision in choosing to land in the same/similar direction as the jumpers before him. I didn't however discuss evidence or the wind situation, I think you are getting two posts crossed... I also never stated every pilot should choose their own direction, simply that only the pilot can make the right choice. Most of the time that would be to land in the same direction (pattern) that the jumpers before you landed. And I did note "Unless there was a clearly defined safety issue." Obviously, landing in a direction perpendicular to other jumpers on final would be a serious safety concern... You say "lost their lives because patterns were not fallowed," well if you read the story again, Bill did follow the pattern the other jumpers set, it just happen not to be the one the dz established. If there happened to be other jumpers in the air that Bill had not seen, who knows which direction they would have choosen? It seems like all the jumpers were in the wrong, but Bill made the best decision for that situation, IMHO. Again, please note I am just writing my opinion, it is not intended as advice. I will not and have not offered advice (vice opinion) to skydivers with out first confirming it with an instructor or checking references (like a SIM). I would easily take your (D license) advice over almost all A licensed skydivers... Bertt--You are completely correct, and I agree, that was something I overlooked. In reference to this hypothetical situation, it was just Bill's life on the line, but in general all jumpers are a risk to all the other jumpers. Thank you both for your responses, I've learned something here, especially for my next trip to a larger DZ (I typically jump from a C-182 and can track the three other jumpers easily).
  5. This is one nice little DZ. It seem that there are a lot of tandems, but they also cater to individuals doing fun jumps. After looking around for a few minutes Dave (the DZO) came over and asked if he could help me, though the winds weren't really cooperating (from the North, bad for their two LZs), he said I could jump but suggested watching a load first, to see the pattern, get an idea, and decide if I wanted to try with the odd winds. I watched two loads and gave it a try. No problems, but landing is interesting... Both of their landing areas rund E-W and are not very tall (N-S), making landings difficult for a noob. I only made one jump, but decided to come back the next day and try again. Again I was greeted with smiling faces, but today the winds were calm and the sky was completely clear! I was hoping for an 18k load, but the demand just wasn't there. Dave used the Caravan every load he could until the jumpers just weren't there anymore, but I don't think it was ever full, most dzs qould require a full load before going up...I'd like to thank Dave, Chris, Eric, Angela, Billy, and the lady behind the counter (never caught her name)for making my visit to Skydive SB a great one!
  6. jnik99

    Skydive Perris

    I guess I'm spoiled at my little home DZ with 8 acres of grass and a carpeted indoor packing area. The fleet there is outstanding! At least two otters, a sky van and a porter... Unfortunately the DC-9 is out of commission and has been for some time, just too expensive for up-keep... I'm still with an "A" license and was not able to land in the grass, which isn't all that big. I understand it is a rule though and I complied. I like to keep my gear clean, kind of detailed like that and with a dirt landing area and dusty packing area it was difficult. Tons of space to pack though, and more than enough space to land, plus a truck to pick you up, even when you aren't that far out... Have to walk across the runway back from the landing area, but they have a great siren setup in case a plane is landing or taking off. The account system is a little different, but understand they want repeat customers, if they can, this is just a little push to come back, which I definitely will! Overall this is an awesome DZ and their prices are comparable to most, $25 for 13k as of late Oct. Make sure you speak up if you are new there, people are friendly, they just may not come up and start talking to you. Staff was great, friendly and very helpful!
  7. I would say Bill made the right choice, that decision can only be made by the canopy pilot on approach. Regardless of the DZ brief, when a pilot is in control of a canopy, that is his/her life on the line. Unless there was a clearly defined safety issue that would prevent a landing from West to East (which should have been pointed out in the brief), Bill made a safe landing into the wind as taught.
  8. jnik99

    The Dam Skydivers

    Awesome little dropzone in Missouri. You won't find the big turbines here, but you will find a friendly atmosphere and an owner that always wants to make the customer happy. A few weeks ago someone broke out the cargo door on their 182, Tom had it repaired in a couple hours al by himself. The dedication to the sport here is unreal. I started with nothing, progressed all through my student status and just recently graduated, this is the place to do it. The JMs will work to get you in the air as a student, in between tandems and experienced loads. I can't say enough good things about this place! Obviously there is nothing the DZO can do about weather, I just wish everyone would understand that. Two weeks in a row, Tom has let one fun jump load go up, just to keep his skydivers happy. Everyone knows he can't make any money off of one load, but he doesn't do it for the money! He does it for love of the sport...