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  1. I'm trying to post a photo with my ad, but it just keeps disappearing. It is within the 300k limit. Help!
  2. I did 8 Bungee jumps at the Bridge to Nowhere in The Angeles National Forest. 5 of these were from a waist harness and 3 from an ankle harness. My favorites included the elevator drop where you face the bridge with your toes on the platform and jump straight up falling feet first. I also liked diving straight out and then swinging under the bridge. I did jump backwards, but it wasn't as much of a rush....did make for some good footage of my friends on the bridge with my camera helmet though :-)
  3. Just to be clear....are night swoops only happening on the 1st or on the night of the party too as usual?????
  4. I'll be there with a crew from Taft! Can't wait to see everyone and make some new friends. I'll be doing the FF skills camp on 1-2. Mel ____________________________________________
  5. WOW! That was really mean. For your information, I am retired from performing on camera. Also, my husband is the one who started the threads pertaining to a scene that he shot (he still performs) using my account. As a result, he got banned so I can no longer access the Bonfire from my old account. I am furious at the fact that 1. he did this and 2. after explainging the situation to the mods, the nicolesheridan acount is still restricted. From now on, I will be posting under this account. By the way, my name is Mel and I'm a real person with real feelings too!