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Everything posted by BadNinja

  1. John LeBlanc begs to differ: No question, a poorly executed attempt at a barrel roll can end badly. _Am What the fuck does that guy know about parachute flight? It would seem that your sarcasm was a little too subtle for this crowd.
  2. Are you serious or just joking around? You do know who John LeBlanc is? He's like, um, the dude who answers the phone for Icarus right? Am I close? LOL
  3. Funny. I just found this email in my spam folder today.
  4. isnt that story even in "the parachute and its pilot", or "transcending fear"!? i kinda think i remember reading about it.. anyway, both good books to read..
  5. The cheapest place I'm aware of is the Elsinore Casino. I think they're like $60 a night now with the USPA discount. (Makes me sad to say that... 5 years ago there only charged $25. No shit.)
  6. Do u realize Nikita could also be a male name? Kinda like Sasha...just saying Thus the basis for the humor in my joke. Duh.
  7. Oh lord, I'm gonna pay for that comment, aren't I? Tell ya what. If you come to Elsinore and manage to figure out who I am, I'll jump with you. Just don't funnel the exit, okay? Edited to add: Why are you moving here? Haven't you heard, there's no jobs here either. ;)
  8. I will NOT shave the beard..never!!! So if it took you 5 years to reach 80 jumps...stop picking on me! Your name is Nikita? Rawr.
  9. (Psst! npgraphicdesign! See, this is what you get for airing your dirty laundry on lol.)
  10. What's his name? Maybe a little public humiliation will shape 'em up. Hehe. It could be a him or a her. And no names will be given. Drat! Smart cookie...
  11. What's his name? Maybe a little public humiliation will shape 'em up. Hehe.
  12. Come now. Everything gets turned into a big deal on What are you, new?
  13. Your opinion on that will change as you gain experience, guaranteed. Most people reach a point where 'zoo dives' are no longer worth the $20 jump ticket. It's not that noobs "aren't worth my time"... it's only that I'm just more discriminating about how I spend my skydiving dollars than I was, say, 500 jumps ago.
  14. The next word you should look up is 'hyperbole'. =P Personally, I seriously doubt the OP thinks he's *literally* as passionate about skydiving as the the jumper who sells all his shit and lives in a trailer on the dz. All I heard from his statement was "I love to jump from planes as much as the next guy, but I have neither the time/inclination/desire to make it my sole purpose in life." Am I gleaning too much? Anyways, skydiving is different things to different people. If this guy wants to jump only 2 - 3 times a month, right on. Will he improve? Not likely. Would I jump with him? Not unless my slot was covered. :) But I certainly don't think infrequent jumpers automatically "deserve" to be treated with disrespect... unless, of course, they're douche bags to begin with or something. :)
  15. Methinks you took his statement much too literally. :D
  16. RAMEN NOODLES! Those costs MONEY! Money that could be used for SKYDIVES! Pshaw! A REAL skydiver would save those valuable skydiving pennies and fish though dumpsters for food. Edited to add: I guess some people see being passionate as a very binary distinction. Either you are or you are not passionate. No in between.
  17. There are assholes where ever you go. Even in skydiverland.
  18. I'll just say what everyone is thinking Billvon. You're such a twatmuppet. Funny. That wasn't what I was thinking at all.
  19. lol... I was thinking the same thing. Guess it was hidden reasonably well.
  20. "More than 100,000 people have ascended skyward in Irvine's balloon ride to savor aerial views of Orange County, take panoramic photographs and even make the occasional marriage proposal. But imagine the shock the pilot of the Great Park balloon must have felt just before 9 p.m. Sunday when, high above the ground, the gondola shook and a young man parachuted out." "After landing on the tarmac about 100 feet from the tethered craft, the unidentified man picked up his parachute and ran off, jumping over a fence to a spot where a driver in a white Toyota Supra waited with the engine running. The two sped off." I'm trying to think if I know any jumpers around here who drive a white Toyota Supra. lol.,0,436908.story