well i have a question. i have been talking with people at my dz and they have good info for me but i figured i would ask the masses..i have been in this sport for abot 14 months. in that time i logged 247 jumps. i spend everyday i can at the dz. my current canopy is a spectre 150 loaded about 1.4. i am looking at buy a second rig. my question is i wanna get a crossbraced canopy. a xaos 21 loaded about 1.6 or so. now i am very current and also travel in the winter months to florida and cali. so i jump as much as possible. i feel comfortable enough with my abilities to make the down size but wanted to know what you guys think. everyone at my home dz thinks i would be fine as long i as i keep making good dicesions in the air. so lets here wat yall have to say and thanks for the info everyone.