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Everything posted by Flyerer

  1. I believe we will see more and more of these lunatic fringe types associated with the "Tea Party" movement in an attempt to discredit it. There is a significant backlash by hard working, tax paying Americans that have seen enough. This movement scares the hell out of liberal democrats, and the Obama administration. They can't refute the message, so they must resort to "demonizing" the movement itself.
  2. Great! Welcome to skydiving. Where did you do your jump?
  3. I think Jimmy Buffet summed it up best in two lines in a cut off his "Fruit Cakes" albumn. "Religion's in the hands of some crazy ass people," and the "God's honest truth is, it's not that simple."
  4. Just remember. No smoking dogs allowed at the DZ!Quote
  5. Democrats= Tax, spend, redistribute wealth, print money or borrow (= inflation),accelerate debt, ignore illegal (not undocumented) immigration, avoid meaningful energy policy, impose stifling regulation. Republican= Tax, spend, redistribute wealth, print money or borrow (=inflation), accelerate debt, ignore illegal (not undocumented) immigration, avoid meaningful energy policy, impose stifling regulation Really folks, what's the difference? Many of us have been fooled into thinking we have a two party system. I see very little difference Our elected leaders are beholden to special interests and big money. For most of them, their primary concern is protecting their power and wealth. The few that would like to do the right thing, create and vote for bad legislation in an effort to bring dollars back to their districts that shouldn't have been sent to Washington in the first place. Solution: Limit the Federal Government to the original functions enumerated in the constituion. Abolish the Federal Reserve. Make it illegal for any of our elected leaders to accept any compensation other than their salary.
  6. I've been sitting here reading all these posts trying to come up with the words you just posted. Well said, and thank you.
  7. Hello Toby, Good luck, and blue skies...
  8. That really seems to be the big advantage of IAD vs. AFF (getting used to deploying at 3500). The only major problem I had during my training progression was my "hop and pop". I made the mistake of putting it off until the end of my progression, and sure enough I psyched myself right out. I ended up flipping over just as I deployed and was falling back to earth watching my pilot chute come up between my legs. Needless to say that was an "oh shit" moment. Luckily the deploying canopy righted me with no problem, but I failed that part of the progression; and had to do it again. Moral of the story" Don't focus on what you don't want to happen, focus on the successful outcome you want. Blue skies.
  9. As others have mentioned, stretching is important(at least it has been for me). Remember not to bounce (ballistic stretching), and hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. I've also found that working my "core" seems to pay dividends. Finally, I think landings are key to the way I feel following a day of jumping. If I have some hard landings, even if I'm able to step out of them, my back seems to to bother me a bit for a couple of days.
  10. Welcome. What branch of the military?
  11. Flyerer


    Thanks to all for the input.
  12. I've been called a lot worse than "u". Anyway, I kind of like the video. Not sure I entirely "get it," but like it.
  13. Flyerer


    Thanks for that. As silly as it might sound, I more interested in comfort and visibility. I had acutally thought about passing on the helmet entirely, but I don't think other skydivers in group situations would be comfortable with that decision. I understand it will also give me a spot to mount an audible altimeter as a back-up.
  14. Flyerer


    Hello everyone. I'm a newly licensed skydiver (43 jumps), and in search of a helmet. I would like to purchase the most comfortable, least intrusive style/model available. Any comments, and suggestions are appreciated.
  15. Looking forward to AFF - anything you wish you knew before you started? Hi. You've already done it by doing a couple of tandems before beginning your AFF training (I really wish I had done at least one first). The only other thing is to learn to pack right away (if you haven't already). I put that part off and it's still haunting me.***
  16. Welcome; and good luck!
  17. I kind of "borrowed" the slogan from a safe motorcycling campaign being promoted here in Michigan. It seemed to fit...
  18. It is a great DZ. One plane, and not very much traffic, so it's a great place to learn. I made a trip to Eloy (got in to a little trouble pulling too high) over the winter, and realized what a blessing it is to be able to fly out of a smaller DZ. I'm not sure about summer boogies, but I'm open to anything (time and money permitting).
  19. Hello everyone. I've been following these forums for some time now, and thought I should properly introduce myself. My name is Lou, and my home DZ is located in Tecumseh Mi. I just eeked out my "A" license last fall; so I'm really enjoying this year with less restrictions (other than the ones that are self-imposed). I figure it's better to fly safe to be able to fly another day.
  20. Welcome. Where is your home DZ?
  21. I had the same problem. For me the solution was in my legs. I thought they were symmetrical and extended(they felt that way) but they were not. If the tunnel time didn't fix your problem, I would focus on your leg position.