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Everything posted by xtravrtsoul

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, but i really don't like the idea of ignorance is bliss. It is not being ignorant it is simply not letting that negative energy out poor onto yourself. Once it has suceeded into feeding into your energy, you then to start reeping of it and then you are in your predictament you are asking in this thread now. Don't let it get soaked up in your coreif you do want to keep watching the news. I watch, read and listen to the news and I take it as information but I sure as hell don't let it affect my daily life and positive attitude that makes ME happy. Because once I am happy; that energy is exerted to others and so on. You create life, life does not create you.
  2. See? Proves engineers can pull in some hot chicks. But... I didn't know mine was an engineer at first. We met when he was my scuba instructor. Thats funny. I had known mine for a long time even before he started school for engineering. We worked at the casinos together and he was so cute in that uniform of his. lol.
  3. Yeah, isn't it awesome when guys will peer into windows of bars to watch you? And then break into your apartment when you're not home to take the stuff they've bought you over the course of the relationship (man, I miss those skis)... and then leave notes and flowers on your car in your work parking lot? And call and have your utilities turned off? And go out and buy an engagement ring and come over your house, barge in the front door (when your new boyfriend is on his way over for dinner) and try to put the ring on your finger?? And send 6 dozen roses with fucking psycho love poetry... And go to your Mom's office and beg her to "talk some sense into her"? And drive by your house every single night, multiple times. And try to befriend your brothers with gifts of football box seats and shit like that?? OMG. Man, stalkers fucking rock. Mine did the utility thing too but not calling the company he went to the main box and switched the main circuit off outside. But he did not think I was smart enough to figure that out. Oh and shooting out my parents door and then leaving messages of gun shots on my phone. (changed the number twice and he still got the new one) That was towards the end. Once I did the protection order and the detectives were up his ass he stopped. And he still denied it was him. He was nuts. I can go on and on about what he did but what counts is I am alive and I am here for my son. I have a greatman now and he stuck through the crap and never left my side because of it.
  4. Yeah, and it was someone I've known since freaking grade school. And it was a million years ago but I finally had to tell my Dad and he took care of his "fascination with me". He was a really nice surprise. Happened when I wasn't expecting or looking for it... And he's an engineer!! Awe my hubby is an engineer too. That is the nice guy right there. You create life, life does not create you.
  5. I so get what you are saying, it started small with me ending every week with something bigger, with my car getting torched. It was not fun and looking over your shoulder everywhere you go and do sucks. You create life, life does not create you.
  6. Awe shit I did not know they were airing new ones I will have to set the Tivo up for it. :) You create life, life does not create you.
  7. Sounds like it has the belss and whistles and the extras to go with it. I am wondering why the mirrors are off? Was it a track bike or did he really drop it. Also, why is this person selling it. You create life, life does not create you.
  8. Shit.. Sorry to hear that.. Glad it's over with, though..
  9. Yes and it is a life changing, scary as f*cking hell, bunch of shit that I wish on NO ONE. But was able to contain the shit and now I live a peaceful life. Shwoo...
  10. I usually work and do women's party hair for the night and then my tired ass goes over to a friends house to play some games (guys against the girls which is fun) but I usually fall asleep in a chair around 11. So "eh" whatever. You create life, life does not create you.
  11. You know I went through some really shitty stuff when I got together with my now hubby. He stood by me through the thick and thin. It is a matter of willingness if you want to be with him. Him going away may be a good thing because you two are not attached at the hip and he can get the other parts of his life in order. It is hard having a long distance relationship and I give you kuddo's if you make it through that alone. As for the impulsiveness, I am the impulsive one in the family and my hubby over thinks, researches and wanes on his decisions and it makes a great balance. It has taught me to be more attentive before I make quick or even hasty decisions and it has taught him to have a bit more spontaneous fun. Do what feels right in your gut.
  12. I just clean but if I have a party it is deep clean time.
  13. Best advice I can give you is: if you are concerned take her to the doctor don't ask us on the forums. This is not the place for that kind of advice. :) You create life, life does not create you.
  14. Have fun in Tahoe. We just got some great snow last night and today. The last two weeks have been hoppin' with snow up there. You create life, life does not create you.
  15. But see, so was I. I consider a lot of that to be basic politeness. Then again, if you're only doing those things for women, I guess it's chivalry. I'll hold doors for people, ask if anyone needs a drink when I'm going to get one (or at any point if they are a guest in my home). As for giving up bus seats - I'll do it for someone who seems to need the seat more than me - someone who is disabled, or schlepping a kid and/or a lot of stuff around, etc. Gender's not the determining factor there. I'll hold doors for people (I consider letting them close behind me when someone's just behind me to be rude), and if their hands are full, I'll make an effort to get ahead of someone to help them with a door. What I want most from men is to be treated like a human being, not an "other." I'd like to be respected for who I am, and allowed to be who I am, not told that I need to conform to some predetermined standard of "what a woman should be." Flip side is that I'll try to respect men for who they are as well. Kinda boring and it probably won't sell any self-help books or magazine articles, but I've found that treating people as individuals, regardless of gender, has worked pretty well for me so far. Amen!
  16. Nice bike and a great starter plus I have heard those are great for the UK area. Have fun!! Everyones advice in here is right but my biggest one is: take your time, don't out ride your limits and always wear gear! :) Have you taken a Rider's course?? Just wondering because those are fantastic. You create life, life does not create you.
  17. I will be here at ho,e rooting the Bengals on too.
  18. He is not blaming the cops he is just using them as an example as to what this country will do. And hey his post makes total sense to me. You create life, life does not create you.
  19. LOL, you can't honestly eblieve the biker wars are over drugs? watching too much SOA? I've been around One percenters most my life, and they have to search and hunt for drugs, just like everyone else, so they Obviously are not controling the market! Some members may dabble in the market for easy monkey, it is NOT a club wide thing! The "wars" are over patches,and the right to claim areas...Just Macho BS! (Big reason I never joined) being a free person, to me, Is being an Outlaw! Not following club rules! Thank you Skyrider for your post on that subject. It really pisses me off that the bike clubs get sucked into this. You create life, life does not create you.
  20. like what...propylene glycol? On the Mo Drama Scale I'll give that a 12... Thanks I will see that 12 and raise you 12 more You create life, life does not create you.
  21. How bout' something like these: http://www.crown7.com/ http://www.vaporcigarettes.com/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-566351/The-electric-cigarette-gives-nicotine-hit-gets-round-smoking-ban.html http://smokeassassin.com/ (free trial) Nicotine fix - check oral fix - check smoke texture - check smoke taste - check save money - check save health - check smoking ban proof - check not sinful - check ...enjoy
  22. Quote1) porn is not everyone's cup of tea, in fact many women find it down right offensive and degrading. 2) i know several women that work in the field of women's health care. they unanimously agree that fully 50% of women are bat shit nuts. reply] I hate to burst your bubble but you would be shocked at the statistics of women who watch porn especially on the internet. They just as bad of culprits as men, they just watch a different type of porn. And yes, I am a hairstylist and I will say this......Women are nuts!!!!!!! Shit we can't even figure each other out. You create life, life does not create you.
  23. You can do it!!! This is the hardest part and you jst need to retrain your noggin. Go get that book some of us recommended, I promise it will help you out. You create life, life does not create you.
  24. And the buck or in this case the bucks stop here. You create life, life does not create you.
  25. I didn't know that either.... Hahahaha .... I had no idea either. You create life, life does not create you.