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  1. Thanks dude... Yeah it was actually a blast to fuck with him and I had to get creative regarding all the fake info, so that I could draw him out. The other thing that I was trying to get was his phone number, but most importantly and after a few emails, I was able to determine from his IP addresses where he was. It looks like he is still in the same location, so I'd really like to get his ass kicked (especially after what he just did to rip off the other skydiver). Let me know if you have some ideas on what we can do to get this guy and I will gladly participate. C'ya
  2. I am very sorry to hear that the scum-bag was able to scam you. I reviewed the material that you posted regarding your conversation with the she-male (Brian) and it is the same as what I had for him/her (what do you call a person with both male and female sexual organs?). Not that it helps now, but maybe you and other people can see how I messed with the dumb-ass when he was trying to sell me my own rig (make sure you checkout the photo I sent to him after I was able to get the dumb-ass to make a trip to Western Union). Save the emails that you received from the little-pecker boy and extract the IP address from the email header. If you need some help doing that, it would be my pleasure to assist. This Brian freak clearly has very little gray matter, since even slugs can get lucky on rare occasions. Read his emails to me and you will see what I mean about the loser and it might be clear why his mom tried to abort his birth. Chin up dude and get some air to clear your head. Let me know if you want some help going after the paedo poofter. Blue skies
  3. Aaahhh... Thanks... Will Do.
  4. SCAM ALERT & DETAILS (Do not use Western Union) The following information relates to an individual that tried to sell me my own rig to me. Thanks to some friends and my own desire to catch the scam artist, I have been able to compile to following information as it relates specifically to this scammer. Aliases: Brian Tobin Robert Mancer Physical Address. Using the name Robert Mancer he gave the following address as the location for me to send him money (via Western Union): Robert Mancer 326 High Holborn London, WC1V 7PE United Kingdom USPA Number. Using the name Brain Tobin he said that his home zone was Bay Area Skydiving - Byron in California and that his USPA # is 120516. I contacted them and report the issue. IP Addresses (as determined from email responses). His ISP is AOL and to report him to their fraud department, contact Isaac Green at (703-265-1000 & ask for Isaac). Since he continues to link through his AOL account to his Yahoo email, he is still using the same group of IP addresses. Make sure that you check the header of any email sent to you. You can do a simple WhoIs search on anyone and determine where they really are. Email Address (this may change, but he used in the last 2 scam attempts). opaquehelluen@yahoo.com Western Union Info: I have reported this scum to AOL, Western Union and the authorities. He will try to get you to send money via Western Union. Be aware of the risk and read the info at their site: http://www.westernunion.com/info/fraudindex.asp. Posting Photos: When posting a photo, try to overlay a personal logo or user name, so that it can not be easily air brushed or cropped out. A recent classified that I posted (ID 40578), shows an example of how I used my username as the overlay. It might not solve all the issues, but since most scam artist are lazy, they will probably look for another target to rip off. I hope that this info has been helpful and that this thread helps to catch a few of the bad guys. Liam
  5. wcbh


    I've been jumping an FX 99 for about 4 years now and I love it. I've just ordered a new one and received it in record time (under 4 weeks, custom colors) and it flies as good as its brother.
  6. As I reviewed the many (and I do mean many) skydiving videos that I have of Marc, I realized just how many of my most memorable jumps were done with him... I was up until 1:30 am last night just trying to put together a tribute video and I have to admit I am still having a problem really doing him justice. Every video showed him smiling and having a good time, in spite of the fact that sometimes I was really making him work for the dive. He never complained nor objected to doing a jump and was always energized for the next crazy idea that he or I would generate. Some of my most enjoyable moments were during our Sean Connery skits (usually focused at some unsuspecting female) or our crude joke contest (which he probably won most of). His off the wall sense of humor was just up my alley… As a matter of fact based on some of the things that he told me two weeks ago, I commented to him that we were not certain if he really worked where he said that he did, but instead was a client that escaped every weekend to come jump with us. ;-) Even thought most of the time we were always joking around we did engage in many deeper conversations, where Marc clearly showed his keen intellect and the depth of compassion that was uniquely his. He has clearly touched me and for that he will live forever. Liam
  7. Go for it. I have nothing to hide.
  8. If you like we can take this to the next level and I can post a very detailed profile of you, your e-mails to others, e-mail accounts (active and inactive), home addresses, phone numbers, SSNs, etc. Hell, I'll even post the addresses and phone numbers of your neighbors if you like (all perfectly legal public information). Basically I’m thinking why not let everyone know who and what you’re up to... My point is, why if you are such an honest person do you hide from the individual that you are trying to disparage? If you have a problem with one individual in particular then be adult enough to deal with that individual directly and keep the zone out of your petty revenge. As a side note, if two guys had kept it in their pants we would not be chatting. Enjoy your weekend. P.S. I would suggest that if you have further comments that you e-mail me directly, since I am not at all joking about the collection of data that I have.
  9. Hey there Christine. It’s nice to see you on line. Because of your posting I went and checked out the review that WhoKnows wrote of Coolidge. You are definitely being a nicer person than I am, with your forum post. Bottom line, WhoKnows is being dishonest. Looking at their profile and doing a little digging (off Dropzone.Com), it is very clear that they aren’t even jumpers. They’ve made some poor attempts to hide their trail, but I am very certain of who the primary owner is and what she is up to (I hope Yuma isn’t too hot this time of year)… Well, enough of that. As for the zone, I agree with you. It’s fun place with very nice people. There are many ranges of flying skills and plenty of fun people to jump with. Just last weekend I did 10 very sweet jumps. I like calling Coolidge my home zone and I’ll continue to jump there with my family of skydivers as long as I can. I hope that more people will discover this little jewel of the desert and come join us for some fun. Liam