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  1. I always told myself that riding the plane back down wasn't an option....the only way down is to jump. Exits are my favorite part now. My fear is landing. I almost throw up every time.
  2. Hmm.....I wonder if my chin strap is too tight. I did bring it up to my dentist. It was actually the reason I went in for an appt. I explained that I had problems with TMJ in the past but he brushed it off and contributed my jaw pain to a tooth that needed a filling. Fixed my tooth but I'm still having the problem so I go back next week. I did wear a splint when sleeping when I was younger because I would grind my teeth but I don't need it anymore because I stopped grinding. Thank you both for suggestions. I appreciate it.
  3. I have had problems with TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) since I was kid but for some reason my last few jumps have really aggravated it. Maybe I'm clenching my jaws and I'm not aware of it or maybe it's from my body positioning at opening.... I'm not sure. My question is can you wear a mouthguard when skydiving? Does it create any kind of safety issue? Thanks