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Everything posted by ledballoon

  1. you sound like kanye west https://vimeo.com/234376830
  2. I jump a Petra usually, The Airwolf is an awesome canopy. As with all Fluid canopies I've flown they build power in a unique way in the turn that is really satisfying, it feels connected to you like the Petra does but the nature of how it flies is very different The Airwolf has a lot of harness response, a lot of rear power and is extremely fast. The harness response is like that of the helix accept the recovery arc of the Wolf felt considerably bigger to me. It's not as steep trimmed as the Petra, the Fluidtech material it's made of is very rigid and the whole package is very stable Overall it's one of the most satisfying chutes to fly, one of the funnest canopy out there. It has all the usability of a freefall canopy and a ton of power and response. I'm not sure if it's the span wise line structure or what, but I found it really easy to get out and fully forward in the harness. Don't know why this is but just what I noticed It doesn't have the float in deep brakes of the Petra, but the way it builds power in the turn is a unique and addictive sensation that makes you smile! I jumped a test prototype and I absolutely want one!! Scott Roberts is doing an amazing job and bringing all sorts of ideas to skydive and ground launching parachuting, if you're at all piqued by this canopy, get one you will not be disappointed (I promise they don't pay me!)
  3. Ur maybe leaning one way or the other through the opening. Once u feel it out the bag try to relax, don't look at the canopy, hold the risers lightly and if you begin to feel it going one way or the other try to 'steer' it with your butt in the harness dont make big aggressive inputs If u think ur body position is at issue one of our AFF instructors gets students to lie on their bellies and press their toes against a wall, legs bent as if in freefall, to get better awareness of what it feels like they're doin with their legs maybe do high pulls give yourself more time to kick outta line twists? For the difference in price between a hop n pop and full altitude you get proportionally a lot more flight time. Hope that helps and that this is good advice, I'm sure I will be told shortly if it is not!
  4. OK lets make some rules, if the TM gets a shot of your smiley face right after you went underneath him can we reasonably say you must have gone up? that's pretty scientific.
  5. medusa has posted a video from a static reference point gaining altitude over static objects to make your own 'up wingsuit' video dive and flare underneath any unsuspecting tandem canopy and watch the footage presented to the S&TA before getting booted out
  6. then pay more attention to your woman and ignore me. I didn't start this thread. I like to jump and mind my own business. I figured that if I'm going to get shit on left right and center this may as well be an amusing read. Skydiving is a luxury of time and money and a passion to pursue. Time is finite, I get bored easily, pushing it keeps me engaged. I've never been cool. I have usually had a high level of ability in the things I set my mind to do. I believe from a philosophical perspective we only truly claim to know what we experience for ourselves. I believe ability is mostly the application of work ethic, pushing it helps keep me paying attention. It is important to me that I do not pose a threat to others. In 28 years of being a fuckwit I've hurt myself a couple of times, never been in hospital for more than a day, and not put anyone there. other than once driving a truck in a wildlife park where we were building an Arc for kids, I slid on black ice driving a truck and the passenger who wasnt wearing a seat belt cut his head on the dashboard when we hit a tree. he was fine. I was happy we hit the tree and did not go into the tiger compound.
  7. the only thing I made up was the roller skates on i92 the rest is true i dgaf if u believe it or not. I toe hung a cessna flying a saber2 150 when I had under 60 jumps and weighed 220lbs without gear. I taught myself how to do 90's from there and every landing has been a 90, 270, 450 or 630 since then bar a handful still here and lovin it
  8. I'm not comparing myself to Bob Hoover. I'm looking at the information you've presented and comparing it with more information from the same source and asking relevant questions Its the juxtaposition between the attitude that gets people into the sky, curiosity and exploration, compared to the mindset of those same people later which seems completely at odds. would you let a 16 year old Hoover teach himself aerobatics if you were in charge? Its not actually even the mindset, its the way certain parties choose to express that experience to others which is 'you will die and you're an arrogant fool'. that makes me want to prove you wrong. The amount of negativity I receive from people with no experience seeing me fly is completely disproportional to the positive Experiences I've had actually flying it safely. This will not change until I am deemed to have more experience. I guess its a hard nut to crack, for you old folks trying to keep people alive long enough for people like me to see what you're even talking about, and us younger folks wanting to push ourselves I see the light!! I SEE THE LIGHT!!!!
  9. how did aviation begin? how did skydiving become the sport it is now? you condemn risk taking but by default we enjoy the benefits that come from risks having been taken to get here we say our sport is being killed everytime someone dies and it becomes more regulated, but still tandem students come to jump partly because this is dangerous. what would happen if Joe Public saw skydiving as completely safe? you're a flight instructor at Bob Hoover's school, what would your reaction be to a 16 yr old training himself to do loops fresh off his solo license in a rented airplane?
  10. It's interesting what he says from 1.05 about how he learnt to do loops http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=B09nWQHdRiU&feature=fvwp
  11. yes it's the lies THE LIIIEEESSSS!!!! voice of Stewie Griffin: I must escape this intricate web of deceit I have spun to the DZ NSA. They have grown too powerful for me now. I will return to the womb where I cannot have my finger nails pulled out and hung from my testes in some dark dank corner of the world. Such as Jacksonville at night. mmmmm yes. Then I will return stronger than you can ever imagine!! DAMN YOU!!! DAAAMNN YOU TO HELLL!!!! it was both you lightning rod of intelligence. It's called selling my gear to buy some other stuff to go to work, make a gangsta roll of cash, quit when I feel like it and buy better gear back. Then I will come to your home DZ with a Riot Control Bullhorn and shout at you every time you land. In the meantime I will be in bed drinking beer when I'm not shagging *waves my bare ass in your general direction*
  12. why in the name of holy shit did I ever write anything back to this dumb ass fucking post. I must be bored. on the one hand I felt like I needed to correct some stuff Rob said on the other it's like watching a dog taking a shit. nasty but I couldn't help paying attention I sold my gear cos I wanted smaller gear retard. Why is writing anything on here like talking to a bunch of illiterate children? No I will not come to Skydive Dallas. You've got a shit NFL team.
  13. Yo Bro send me a GoPro I have a bunch of other expenses going out the door at the moment so have temporarily sold my gear. saddens me deeply so I've been spending my time winding you bunch of **** *** **** ****'s up instead I could land this parachute on one leg with my eyes closed. I could jump with my helemt on backwards covering my eyes and soar gracefully over the ground like a flying fish on crack. If Bats and Luke Skywalker can do it, so can I. when I come back I expect to see a sweepstake for the next 200 jumps with ME being the beneficiary when I succeed no where's my reach around?
  14. Agreed. I shouldn't have written anything. I played since I was 7, went to music school then played professionally for a few years. I spent 8-10 hours a day or more for about 6 years of that time practising, the rest maybe 2-3hrs a day. worked hard at it for many years. I work in a hard job. I started pushing boxes and worked my way up. Now I can find work around the world in a cut throat industry developing contacts by working hard at what I do. I've worked my share of 100hr weeks it sounds like you're talking about pedagogy and the difference between the epistemology of "knowing that" and knowing how you've summed me up as a spoilt brat which is your prerogative. you misinterpreted the line about being evil, it was light hearted and meant as hyperbole
  15. wow.. writing anything on here is a minefield of semantics What I meant by that post is: I don't think I'm incapable of making mistakes, making mistakes is always a reality and I consider this fact ESPECIALLY when my actions endanger others. Swoopers make mistakes. Every single one of em. NOT: I fuck up left right and center and I don't care if I kill other people in the process. Do you fly your parachute thinking you will never make any mistakes and are incapable of hurting anyone????? I like adrenaline. training on swoops all day and having good landings is satisfying, which is almost all my landings. makes me think it was a decent day an enjoyable use of time and I would like to do that again. I'm not an evil child snatching daddy slaying friend dismembering merchant of death. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your jumpsuit!
  16. All without ever seeing me land To Tobyiscool (that name's lame btw): My parachute's size is unrelated weiner, I can post some shots or get some affidavits maybe :P Rob has some weiner shots from Newcastle where I got attacked with a tree branch before diving into a pond. I wasn't looking that big at the time please don't post those Rob! haha I've landed this chute into wind, xwind, downwind, on rears only, a bunch of canopy drills and 270'd it at night. I had a good look made sure the landing area was clear picked the spot I wanted and landed at that spot on my feet. John LeBlanc amongst other people saw it. I'm going to get shit now probably. I'm not dropping a name to look cool but to show that people are aware of what I'm jumping, that these people are not stupid, and I've been allowed to keep jumping it I'm not causing undue danger to those around me. I always fly a pattern. I abort turns. One instructor who had been very vocal telling me I was going to die recently complemented me. He said nice set up height, nice landing. It made me feel good that although I'm SHIT compared to those who are AWESOME, he wasn't being negative to me and I wasn't being dangerous To the guy who said "what if I was at work with you and saw you doing something dangerous" - you haven't seen me do anything If I'm running a crew with a new guy I work with them for a bit. Sometimes they have different techniques, use different equipment, have different names for things etc. Once I know what to expect from them I don't ask them to do anything I know they aren't capable of, or anything I'm not prepared to do myself. What I've learnt is that there are a million different ways to do anything, it's not important what way specifically we do them, just so long as everyone is pulling in the same direction we should succeed. Pretty reasonable I think. I might be an adrenaline junky but I am a reasonable human being and I've approached this in an aggressive but logical manner. I know I can make mistakes. I know if I fuck up, which could be on my next jump, I can kill myself and others.
  17. Fair points and I'm truly sorry for your losses I spend 60 hours+ in the air in an average work week. This doesn't mean I'm SuperNoob, but I do think it helps with staying calm, being aware and thinking clearly if things go sideways. On the other hand you could interpret it as giving a false sense of confidence going from something I have a lot of experience in to skydiving where I have low experience. I envisage hitting every time. That said I know if I do it confidently and correctly I don't have to. I need to recognize as early as possible when something is wrong and take the right action to fix it. The recognition process and having the skills to fix it is the key. I hit once and feel lucky to have learned a lot from it. It changed some things immediately and made me think about my decision making process before I get into the plane. I'm trying to move into the area of what I know I don't know at a rate I can deal with before finding something I didn't know I didn't know too late There are all the other jumpers who aren't PD Team Members or World Class canopy pilots out there every day landing/swooping canopies bigger and smaller than mine lots of people don't get the same ear bashing because they're not jumping xbraces, not trying to swoop, or thought to have enough jumps for their canopy. I have seen people land in car parks, on run ways, hit other people, toggle turn really low, fly crazy patterns, land in trees and break ankles trying to land normally into wind. I've been as aggressive as I can be and I haven't done these things on my Velo, Katana or Xfire. That doesn't mean I can't in future, but I'm a long way from being the most likely person on any given DZ to kill your friends just because of jump numbers and the canopy I'm flying
  18. lol, well yeah that's true I'm not, sir! I'm my own meat sack of chemicals granted the gift of being aware of its own existence for some debatable reason for whatever the case may be, the people here have so far given me the chance to prove that I'm not up to flying this chute Like DocPop said when people have died in skydiving it's not like skydiving stops, that person ceases to exist and skydiving carries on. So I'm really more concerned with showing I'm not a danger to other people which I think I'm doing. Whether people believe anything I've written here or not I do not care. It's not much of a spectator sport in my opinion anyway it lasts for a couple of seconds. It's just about doing it and enjoying it. Like the rest of your life. Now piss off leave me alone and go enjoy yours. I'm not pissing on your chips so why are you pissing on mine?
  19. I wanted to jump the canopy. I understand why the coaching changed. The other thing is when this was started by guys like Rickster and then PD team there wasn't any coaching, those guys had to figure it out for themselves probably in the face of far more resistance than I'm having now I've done nearly 100 jumps on it and I've worked hard to try to show that I am not a danger to other jumpers and I can land safely where I want to land it. I haven't hit anyone, or anything. It's not like every jump is lottery and I have no idea where I'm going to land or whether I'm going to land on my feet or not. If I'm going downwind I will slide it out on my ass. I plan my pattern and set up point before I get in the plane and then I fly that pattern and I land that pattern where I intend to. Unless I'm forced to change it due to other circumstances. It's been like that for the last couple hundred jumps.
  20. I like the canopy I put a lot of time to it. I do a lot of high pulls, practice drills, flocking dives and flying around big puffy cloud stacks I had some canopy training but I was told I couldn't have more for flying a Velo. My instructor saw me land it and said my landings looked safe when I asked. I guess he feels he doesn't want to risk his rep on me, that I'm a bit of dick and I don't deserve training due amongst other things to my stupid canopy choice/silly trousers/general arrogant cockness. And that's fine. I'm not trying to piss anyone off by downsizing canopies though. The biggest draw of skydiving was the idea that here is a place I can find my own limits before the law or whatever imposes them upon me. that's how it's advertised. the more I jump the more I feel like this isn't true and that's lame. My Katana did not open as well, steeper glide angle, less flare, harder to land smoothly/comfortably. The Velocity performs the job of saving me from freefall, flying then landing better than any other canopy. FACT. Why should I not keep jumping it? Because I might hurt myself? THIS IS SKYDIVING. To the people commenting on Truzzo's english: please write your posts in Italian, we'll ask Truzzo to give you marks out of ten Thanks for letting me fly your chute Truzzo The CSI and S&TA are aware of what I'm jumping. They have talked to me about it regularly. This is one of the busiest high profile DZs in the world and a busy commercial airport. safety is the most important thing Rob McVader is one of the most nakedly egotistical people I've ever met. I will be trying my hardest not to give him the satisfaction of being right. Ever.
  21. meh, why don't you send me one? you're the ones who wanna see it. I could spend that money on jump tickets. Sangi, I am sorry for being an arrogant cock on here. A lot of it is just taking the piss. I'm not trying to swoop thinking I'm not going to get hurt, I'm expecting it at some point, I already hit once. It satiates my ADD or something I like it that's all. My main concern is not hurting or hosing anyone while I'm doing my dumb shit. I think I have shown though over the last few months though that I can fly and land my parachute safely without hurting other people. There have been a lot of high profile deaths in this sport over the last few weeks. People with huge numbers, experience, talent and ability. That doesn't mean that people should quit skydiving. I just don't believe that the awareness of the realities should mean you give up and walk away from your ambitions. I'm trying to do this safely and still feel like I'm challenging myself and enjoying the journey. When I feel like landing a parachute becomes overly easy that's when I want to downsize it because I get bored. I wanted to downsize the 111 not because it wasn't fast enough I just flew the 103 and I liked the overall characteristics of the parachute more. Lighter fronts, and felt like more bottom end flare too, maybe because it was going a little faster? I dunno. As for all the negativity, me personally if I read about something I find it very difficult to form a definite opinion without first hand evidence. I feel it would be ignorant on my part.
  22. had 323 jumps when I got the 111. The 111 has heavier fronts than the KA120 which clearly just isn't cricket. I needed a sports massage after every jump it was bad.
  23. Skydiving is a personal journey within a community. only we're surrounded by a higher concentration of ego maniacs and lunatics all with strong ambitions, idiosyncrasies and motivations so some things are blown wildly out of proportion It's just a fucking parachute. We choose to jump out of airplanes. I'd like to know the first time in the sport someone said "hey, you know this might not be safe" and the other guy goes "shit oh yeah you're right. wtf are we doing?" so many people in skydiving love an opportunity to vent their opinion and think they are always right. ANDREW WHYTE of Edmonton Skydive Center! Do you remember when you got drunk and attempted to jump between the roofs of two caravans? you should have assessed your landing area better and realised you were in no fit state to be leaping between temporary residences. Instead you went headfirst into someone's house you beast!
  24. Flew the 103 a few times couple days ago was awesome. Its what I expected the 111 to feel like