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Everything posted by mwk1976

  1. mwk1976

    Help Haiti

    Food for the Poor has a long and reputable history of giving aid in Haiti. The Washington Post and Forbes endorse them. The only scandal I've found is sexual misconduct by the founder- don't think that factors in- check 'em out
  2. I didn't say exactly the same things Ron. A basic concept of people being happy, free and able to care for themselves. I'm glad you picked up on my irony too, troll and ad hominem attacks. Although it is funny that someone who is so skilled at adult debate is spending time stamping his foot whining about being able to debate like an adult.
  3. To give a gift = intent to give + delivery + acceptance A contract is an offer + acceptance with consideration. Consideration basically means both parties lose and gain something which they consider of equal value. This can be for goods or services. A gift requires no consideration. It is completely one sided
  4. The workers did not earn the wealth. The capitalist earned it by exploiting the workers. = The capitalist paid them less than their work was worth so that he, the capitalist, could make a profit. This skill of earning is a speciality, one that workers often do not have in their skill set. A worker should not be rewarded with the earnings of the capitalist for that was the capitalists work and his alone. The worker agreed to be exploited at a reduced wage and should bear the consequences. Or, rise in revolt.
  5. Sounds like Rush is a professional troll then. The sad part with most of these commentators is that they are merely entertainment under the guise of political commentary. They breed contempt and meaningless debates such as this one while the real issues are buried with little discussion. Ad Hominem attacks don't help anyone. We all want the same shit, we just disagree on how to get it.
  6. I appreciate the advice and I will head it. I guess I don't need to rush if I plan on jumping for life.
  7. Happy New Year, About 6 years ago I completed the static line to freefall class and coninued fun jumping for about 6 months. I have about 25 jumps. For various lame reasons I stopped jumping. About to do AFF and begin jumping again. Found a great rig. I know 1:1 is best to start out at for wing load, but imagine I will want a little more speed in a short time and would like to have a rig for awhile before selling. What are some experienced jumpers ideas about safety at a 1:1.15 wingload- safe?