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Everything posted by xbasejumperz

  1. Its best we keep it that way. I have left a trail of broken hearts in my wake throughout the years. You seem like a nice girl. You dont want to get mixed up with a bad boy like me.
  2. nice! I'll leave that under skymamas pillow tonight.
  3. I have no clue who it is... But I'm having fun with it... g What part of I am Darren did you miss? Get with the program lady.
  4. Yeah, don't invite trouble. My Dad died a momth ago today and it sucks. Does anybody else find it weird that his mom is named karma?
  5. Fixed it for you. Beating off TO him is perfectly acceptable if that is the sort of thing one is into.
  6. I dare you to tell me what is wrong with beating off and playing wii? As far as i am concerned they are both pretty fucking cool.
  7. no school bus this week, we're on winter break.
  8. my point exactly! your wishful thinking that you will get to slob on my knob is incorrect, in actuallity that job is reserved for your mom.
  9. Fuck you caught me. please dont tell Andy, we'll keep it our little secret ummmkay? and I am quite sure there is something else you would like to do with my dick besides kick it.
  10. I banged this chick in college that turned out to be the daughter of the dean...guess what he did about it? Absofuckinglutely nothing. Damn she was a nice piece of ass.
  11. erectile dysfuntion is a serious condition inflicting millions of men every day. it is not a subject to be taken lightly nor made fun of. fortunately I do not have that problem, thousands of my children died on your wifes face last night.
  12. Oh wow. He must be as awesome as Bear Grills then. Meh . . . I'll judge him based on what he does, not his mode of transportation. Unless he screws up, then he makes us all look bad. Who shit in your lucky charms this morning?
  13. You give yourself to much credit. Your posts actually seem somewhat lame.
  14. Shhhhhhh. Random thinning of the retarded gene pool herd is a necessity in order for the mentally superior to continue on with world domination. If he wants to donk himself off, that really is no business of yours.
  15. The DZ? Or the bar near the DZ? this website asshat.
  16. rumor has it this is a great place to meet chicks.
  17. me thinks you need to take your propaganda elsewhere. This is a happy place. This is my happy place. Dont fuck it up for me.
  18. Seeing as how I am new here, this turtlespeed guy with over 38,000 posts is coming down pretty hard on me. All I want to do is fit in, so with that said do you guys have any recommendations for me as to how I can impress him or become his friend? Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Phew, glad you are ok with it. I was worried there for a little bit. Boy was that a close one. Oh - COME ON! That is the best you can do? Conflict gone. My 33rd post, not bad. Your 38,438 post, very weak. With all that practice I would think you would be spewing some einstein level shit.
  20. Phew, glad you are ok with it. I was worried there for a little bit. Boy was that a close one.
  21. Specifically this thread and all the dribble you posted in the recent Motorbike thread. And as a troll this is the lest reply you get from me, i dont much like feeding trolls you're a fucking weird dude.
  22. Explain to me why I am a troll? Please dont give me the bullshit about not filling out my profile, please show me where it states it is mandatory to do so....What if I choose not to provide my personal information for the world to see? Is that not my right to do so? You're a troll for what you post not what you dont Please elaborate. What specifically have I posted that has caused you to label me a troll?
  23. Explain to me why I am a troll? Please dont give me the bullshit about not filling out my profile, please show me where it states it is mandatory to do so....What if I choose not to provide my personal information for the world to see? Is that not my right to do so?