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Everything posted by xbasejumperz

  1. Holy shit, you just never quit with the pity party do you?
  2. Please explain to me how a screen name can be fake? Not sure I understand that one. When did I say "Nat" was full of shit? I have nothing to call her on. What I said was I think it is foolish for people to air personal crap in a public forum unless it is anonymous. I also said it is wrong to share personal information about someone else without their knowledge, even if they have not been named. Any reasonable person would agree with this.
  3. You went into detail about very personal stuff about this guy. If I was a betting man me thinks he wouldnt like that stuff talked about on this website or any website.
  4. Why people feel the need to air out all of their personal crap over the internet is something I will never understand. And those that seem to do it on a continuous basis make me wonder whether they have serious mental issues or are desperate for attention....or maybe both. In an anonymous forum perhaps, but in a forum where you clearly identify yourself makes no sense to me whatsoever Also - when you involve someone else in your rant even if it is not by name is rude, selfish, insensitive and downright wrong. And please dont give me that story about how we are a small community and we are friends and blah blah blah, this is the internet people and if you were halfway intelligent you would already know what damage can be done with information found posted on the internet.