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    Vigil 2

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  1. Vladi

    Want some beer?

    Sweet! Cannot make it very late though... leaving for Europe the next AM...
  2. Vladi

    Want some beer?

    I am biting my lip :)
  3. Hi, yes, we did indeed discover a minor software issue in a certain batch of LCD's within the control unit. This glitch has been isolated and fixed (updated software). It is not affecting the functionality of the 'main box'. We have new controllers available for replacement with the new software for those that are affected by this. If you experience this 'Hello' or start up problem, please contact your local rigger or VIGIL USA. Our sincerest apology for this inconvenience but we are very confident that this is an isolated problem that will be handled very quickly. Thank you! Vladi Pesa VIGIL USA
  4. Our reply to Justin: Hello Justin, I am the representative who called you last Tuesday. I am quite sure you have misunderstood what we discussed, so I hope to clarify all of what I said again this in my email. According to what your email was stating, your Vigil will need to be sent to the factory for service, however we will not be able to say for sure until we receive the unit here in our Florida office. We have not yet received your Vigil to verify the information. Please see page 14 of the Vigil manual: In case the «Ctrl Err» message appears due to a failure in the electronic circuits, you need to send the Vigil® back to your dealer or to the factory for a complete check up. Normally a service/repair that requires a return to the factory in Belgium takes approximately two weeks, (+/ - )and we cover all of this shipping, as well as the return of the unit to you. I believe you mentioned having a trip on the 20th and you were hoping to have your Vigil back before that date? Because of this, ( and not what you now mentioned below on DZ.com) we agreed to ship you a new replacement unit and go ahead and send it on its way without having first received your Vigil back. This was a decision made in the interest of time, so that you would be covered before your trip on the 20th . Without having received a tracking number (of your Vigil return ) from you, we shipped you replacement on September 7th. According to UPS: Scheduled Delivery: Wednesday, 09/14/2011, By End of Day After receiving your very first email, our road representative called you back on a Sunday. He did so as an attempt to help. Any misunderstanding of what you were reporting was simply a misunderstanding, not any malicious attempt to upset you. It makes no difference to you which error code was showing, you have to send the unit back no matter what. The same would be the case if the problem was in the controller/LCD. It would never be OK to continue using a Vigil after an error code has appeared. This is part of the design of the unit. A Vigil has no scheduled maintenance required, but this does not mean that in the 20 year life of the unit, you will never need to send the unit in. By sending you out a replacement, instead of making you make the minimum two weeks for your service, we were also attempting to help ease any inconvenience related to your planned trip. It has now come to my attention that you have left two nasty voice mails on our office answering machine, bashed our company's customer service on a public forum and misstated what was reported to you on several different occasions. Customer service is important to us, and we make every attempt to satisfy our customers. Since you have been a Vigil customer for less than two years, we will now offer you another option- a complete refund of your original purchase price. If you send us a copy of your receipt ( from your purchase at Square One) we will completely refund your money. If you prefer this option, we can either stop the delivery of the new Vigil in route or you can simply refuse/return it. We would also need to receive your original Vigil back or at least a tracking number. This is a sincere offer. Just let us know if you would prefer this option. Best Regards, Candace Procos Vigil USA, LLC
  5. John Loken and myself made a (probably the first) dual wingsuit tandem jump as a well planned stunt/test jump back in 2000 in DeLand. We both are very experienced skydivers/BirdMen and did a thorough planning and briefing. Our major concerns were (and still are) the restricted arm motion for proper drogue tossing and the potential for side spins due the larger surface on the student. We did a drogueless fall till about 8000ft and flew remarkably well. As soon as the drogue was set the forward motion was of course restricted. (clearly seen on the angle of the drogue bridle being about 30 degrees). We would not under any circumstance recommend to repeat this kind of jumps, especially with an unexperienced jumper in the front. Tandems are already more intense and considered not a normal skydive. Adding the all the potential hazards from wingsuit jumping into that is not a very smart idea.
  6. Hi, My body weight is 220lbs, my weight bag was over 40lbs, exit weight 280+lbs. PLUR, Vladi:)