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Everything posted by roger4

  1. If the high road fails... A laxative and sleeping pill cocktail would be interesting.
  2. you might want to check into the relay switches in the fuse box in the engine. I have a 98 cherokee sport and had all kinds of electrical tweeks going on. Needless to say after a few hundred bucks it ended up being a 12 dollar switch. Good luck!
  3. So I've got started on my AFF and kinda wiped out on my 3rd jump. I got off track and had a bad landing. So now the weather is breaking and I'm going stir crazy cause it may be 6 more weeks till i am healed enough to jump again. The funny thing is last night i told the girlfriend my jones and she couldnt believe i plan on getting my licence, but oh well, from what ive been reading, it happens. So now i am currently looking for a DZ some where close to northern Indiana. Any suggestions??