Briefly as the memory banks are a bit clouded by time.
The MT 1S was the military version of the Para Flite DC 5. This was intended as a Compitation Accuracy.
I loved it.
Around 85 the Army HALO has the MT1X this had a Mt1X main and the MT 1S as a reserve.
It was patterned after the PF Swift system and was a very uncomfortable harness and a very hard to close main and reserve.
The colour was Tan.
We (USAF Reserve Para Rescue)acquired 25 of them.
The next order several of us went back to PF and redesigned the Harness and Containers. The harness was patterned on the comfortable Pioneer Sport Harness the colour was still Tan.
Later the colour was changed to Blue, Harness, container and Canopies
It was still a S over X. The S was a 260 SF canopy and the X was 370 SF
The Blue was chosen as it was felt by some it was a better camouflage colour Day and Night.
There were also some produced as an S over S, for the FF Instructors.
Does your canopy have attachment rings for the pilot chute?Quote Retired from jumping July 2002