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  1. You are right flyangel2. The lesson was learned and hopefully I can pass on what little knowledge I have gained. As mentioned, the POPS bones and bruises don't heal as fast so I will have a lot of time for thinking. Thanks. Also to riggerrob, I never took any ridicule out of your posting. As I know you personally, I know that that is not your style. Hope we are all learning something all the time.
  2. Just a quick note from the jumper who broke his ankle and started all this. Everyone has something to say. Just like when a person has a cutaway and half the crowd wants to give advice on what they should have done. Suffice it to say, that some of you are right. We should not have jumped. There are a number of things that put a person into such a situation. Long time spans between jumping (winter weather), personal goals, pride, the lemming effect, and most of all stupidity. If you think that you are above all this then think again. Look back and realize how lucky you are. I don’t mean just about your skydiving but how about some of those stupid decisions during the rest of your lives. Be honest, you’ve made them. As for the future…….. I’ve learned another valuable lesson. A while ago I learned that night jumping was not for me. Now I will set my personal wind level to a much lower speed. I will probably have something to say to those who start gearing up during very marginal conditions. They must however make their own decisions and live with them. All in all I was very lucky. Eight weeks from now I can start to learn to walk again. Some short time after that I can jump again. I’m looking forward to it.