Hello, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to solve all your problems concerning grids and proximity software, diamond overlays, etc. The solution is simple... RFID chips. These chips act as transponders (transmitters/responders), always listening for a radio signal sent by transceivers, or RFID readers. When a transponder receives a certain radio query, it responds by transmitting its unique ID code, back to the transceiver. Most RFID tags are powered by the radio signal that wakes them up and requests an answer.
Most of these “broadcasts” are designed to be read between a few inches and several feet away. However, it is possible to increase that distance if you build a more sensitive RFID receiver.
RFID chips cost up to 50 cents.
These chips could be surgically inserted into the ego of all winguit participants, painted on their body when they pass-out in a drunken stupor, tatooed on their ass or sprinkled in their aura like fairy dust. When everyone is in their slot, the RDIF chips will light up like Skydiving Elvis, Utah Chapter. Fans on the ground can ooohh and awww at the magnificence of your success, toss tulips on the ground and blow kisses in the air when you land.
My project has the full support of Scott, Doug, Jeff, Justin, Kallend, Jarno etc., who, even though they’ve never heard of me, fully support my proposal. They all decided to go have a beer together before heading to the RDIF tatoo parlour last week, we'll find out when formation is complete exactly where the tatoos are located.
You may ask, how can I possibly give this idea so freely? I just felt it imperative to give back to the skydiving community which has given so much to me ... an overgrown egomaniac whom I occasionally bump into in the kitchen between formation loads.
My job here is done, your problems are solved. ~ case o’ beer!
PS... Hi Veggie!!! ; )