Hi everyone,
So, I started IAD last summer and scared myself away with a bad second jump. Probably not bad by comparison to what many of you have been through but as a newbie, it rocked me. I walked away saying, "not sure about this" and for several months after, flashbacks of fear made me sure I was content to keep my feet on the ground the rest of my life.
I had one tandem prior to IAD. I remember watching a licensed female, run out of the plane and I was like, "yea I want to be able to do that".
First IAD jump went great, I was so consumed by the thrill that my mind didn't really process until I was safely back on the ground. On the second one, phew, different experience. I was terrified the entire ride up, climbed out on the step, grabbed hold of the strut, kicked my feet off and was flung like a rag doll off the plane, jamming my fingers. Found out afterwards, the pilot didn't cut the speed back. I am not criticizing at all - he was great and so apologetic, stuff happens you know, just noting the impact on my psyche. I counted to three but I was stunned (my instructor said I curled up rather than arch) but the chute opened, thanks to my quick instructor, not me