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Everything posted by captainquim
my utility belt tells me 'run away from skreamer, batman'
cloud 9, there is proof that 'love' exists. the emotions that you feel when you are 'in love' are created by chemicals in your brain that come into play when you experience another individual with the correct smell, appearance, chemical composition etc. it is a chemical/biological thing created so that you stay together long enough to raise your kids - then it disappears. this is why divorce is now more common as people are beginning to question the values that society used to hold dear. tradition is holding us back, science is the key. the romantic notions that you are talking about are another product of human society. we are kidding ourselves - be true to reality, give in to science, enjoy yourself - SKYDIVE
doooooooods, i only said that cos i only know of one place. i reckon the chances are that there are many more given the whole random thing. and about the two thumbs thing - go read some darwin. the point is that in the macro scheme of things - everything happens by chance, maybe at the micro scale we can decide whether to eat chocolate or vanilla, but when alot of decisions such as these interact the result is uncontrollable (this is why no one can predict the stock market). i've seen tangible proof of science, i've never seen tangible proof of god. tangible is better than intangible - that's why men (and some women) like boobies.
There is no such thing as ‘God’. It has been written in this forum that someone or thing deliberately made things such as mountains etc. This is not true – everything is random. We are one of billions of planets in the universe, and one on which the conditions for life to exist were just perfect. There was most likely many other planets that nearly got it right, but were missing a quark in an electron orbiting a carbon atom. All of the things we see are one huge great big coincidence – one which many believe too big to be true. But from all of the possible planets that sprouted from the BIG BANG – ours was the lucky one to produce life. It is the nature of humans to need a reason for everything, so we take all these coincidences and form a theory of ‘GOD’, to help us deal with the fact that one day we will die and never be seen again – only to rot in the ground. This is why we should spend our lifes enjoying ourselves as much as poss, cos it’s all just a freak happening - SO SKYDIVE!
I am also a quiet person by nature and don't make friends easily (especially since i rarely share the same interests and get bored with small talk and a lot of people so i just do my own thing even if it means i am alone) but my skydiving friends (especially ones i've jumped with) somehow share a special bond. YES! I am not the only one! it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
sure dude, you wanna slip one to anna k - get in line. it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
double/triple/multiple vodka and red bull - garaunteed mad one. also TVRs - tequila vodka redbull. be careful not to bite anybody it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
don't do it man.... everyone is out to get you when you start, they cut your lines and rip big holes in your parachute after having removed your reserve. they think it's funny! but hey, whatever, give it a go anyway, and if it doesn't work out, you can carry on in the next life. doh, there isn't one! nevermind. it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
mate, i chop communists(EXEs) for fun, but for that much i carve it up real nice! if i can't fly it, then i'll get a new one. luckily i have one sitting on my back (as long as i remembered to do up the chest strap), heh, it's a second ride - 2 for the price of one. so....... CHOP, and hope the rigger was on their sh!t when they stuffed it in there. it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
threeflymower, you r an @rseboy, yeah i'll be around in june to change your bedpan, and laugh at your leg sticking out the wrong way. when you get back, i still want to see the 'THE FILE' when the mystery person to whom you lent it has finished with it (this person who's identity is cloaked in myth - yeah, TOILET!) in the meantime i'll be holding it down at this end - showing your girlfriend what she's been missing all this time. maybe you could find your way to stop p!ssing about with CReW on Furys and get involoved with some silliness. cya it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
could anyone tell me how to check my dropzone.com email? it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
Hip hip hooray, and a lot of balloons and brass bands to accompany it! . Oops-a-daisy, my head just fell off. That's the danger when you get too excited you see, i recommend staple clips, to really keep that fella on there, or at least a couple of chewed chunks of hubba-bubba bubblegum. more work tomorrow - I'm srarting to get little bubbles of energy building up and i'm a bit worried i'm going to bite somebody. Better go and buy some chewing gum. At times like these a big joint would come in very handy. don't go stickin your fingers in electric sockets - there won't be any room for the stereo plug - and what would we do without jason and kylie? it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
but that takes all the fun out of it! it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
that's right - i blew him away with my silky skills the word limp features heavily on the day after my dates - ie friend asks girl 'why are you walking with a limp?' it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
yeah fool! someone should buy him a kermit the frog jumpsuit so that he can fall out of the sky like the limp muppet he is. it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
you are one abusive @rse. is that because your @rse is regularly abused. my freeflying is awesome - better than your falling limply out of the sky like the limpest limp thing that just won mr.limp 2002 on national limp day. LIMP notice that if you say a word enough it loses all meaning it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
good thinking. after getting beer muscles and climbing things, we can wander off, using our beer morphine, steal a car and drive home using our beer-police-invisibility screen it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
that's a classic. what about i'll BE there in the morning. i've never been one for long relationships it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
too easy. i might as well just show up naked! it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
look, hide the sausage and other related games comes later - what about before? i've tried playing chicken with lorries and grafitti-ing police stations, but this normally makes them call a taxi home, or just run away... it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
yeah, i mean before that - in order to cajole/dupe/con her into playing hide the sausage... it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
can anyone think of innovative exciting things to do on a date - to get the blood pumping (not skydiving though), moderately illegal things considered? it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
geezer, i gotta be outta here, coz i'm a pigeon if i know what's going on..... you'll have to explain this to me at the weekend, that's as long as you're not playing fluffy bunnies with space you park your chopper..... laters it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
I' ve been as busy as a bee who's just had all his honey stolen and needs to get some more quick! Still managing to save time for kicking back and relaxing with the penguins though, so it's not all that bad. how does this shit work? who is who? how do you see who has posted what, and where do you post it to? i'm so confused and am such a fukkwit, i could almost jump out of a plane 4 miles from the dropzone! Anyway i'm off to speak dorango with some of the elders, in the meantime look after yourself and don't let it pass you by. don't go sticking your head into small holes as it might get stuck and then how are you going to explain it to the fireman? i ain't fukked, i'm just stupid so who's who? it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.
you're not FLATFLYING are you? i always knew you took it up the rear. it's gonna be a yabba dabba do time, as a famous philosopher once said.