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Everything posted by pop

  1. I keep telling myself I am going to quit responding to John, and I did so good for a day, but it's so tempting. From now on though no more replies to John Rich. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  2. pop

    What do you do?

    One thing about skydiving is that the participants come from so many different walks of life. I recall being on skydives with a PhD and an ex-convict on the same jump. And when you land, it's never about what you do, but the jump you just had, and the beer you are about to. So I'm curious to learn about some of the walks of life we have right here on dz.com. Tell us about yourselves. What do you do? Where were you born? What drives you? etc...anything you feel like sharing. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  3. Wow I didnt realize there was a correlation between temper and hacing access to guns. Now I know. Woosh! That's the sound of my point whizzing over your head. Actually, I was just implying that maybe it's a bit scary for someone who seems to have a quick temper like yourself, to also have ready access to a military-style assault weapon. You would seem to be exactly the type of person that you fear. This isnt a case if the business is set up as a corporation. Then any assets belong to the corporation, not people. Oh, so if I just incorporate, then my gun collection is okay. Got it. Corporations are run by people. They have owners. If you're going to trust those corporate owners and employees to handle firearms, then there's no reason why others can't be trusted also. Your position banning individual gun ownership remains contradictory and illogical. Try that today and you will be shot on your way out. So you're in favor of the use of deadly force to prevent theft? Oh, as long as it's done by a "corporation"? We live in a capitalistic society. A gun museum is just taht...a museum. There is no reason why a gun museum shouldnt be able to own guns (If its set up as a corporation) Wow, that was some sleight of hand you used there to switch the topic from gun ranges to museums. Two different things. Try to keep them straight. Gun ranges allow people to handle and shoot guns. Museums don't. Okay? Why do you have such a strong faith that the creation of a paperwork corporation somehow is going to provide such great safety and security for guns? Look cowboy. It's really simple. We live in a society gunk ho about guns. We are also one of he most violent countries in the world. Look at murder rates. Yee haa for guns, tanks, boms, or any other warfare equipment. I dont fear. I am quite secure. That's why I dont own a gun. Its eveident that you know about as much about how corporate business works, as I do about guns, tanks, bombs, etc. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  4. Wow I didnt realize there was a correlation between temper and hacing access to guns. Now I know. This isnt a case if the business is set up as a corporation. Then any assets belong to the corporation, not people. Try that today and you will be shot on your way out. We live in a capitalistic society. A gun museum is just taht...a museum. There is no reason why a gun museum shouldnt be able to own guns (If its set up as a corporation) yee haa cowboy!!! 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  5. I am all for cleaner air. Houston used to be nasty, until similar legislations came to be. We are no longer the most pollutes city in the States. I like breathing clean air. It's always nice. Dont you think so...clean air...no? Here comes the typical if you dont follow me you want the air poluted and dirty water. I have kids too. Do really believe that is what I want? no? There is nothing elitist about wanting cleaner air, more efficient cars, less reliance on oil, less poulltion, etc. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  6. I am all for cleaner air. Houston used to be nasty, until similar legislations came to be. We are no longer the most pollutes city in the States. I like breathing clean air. It's always nice. Dont you think so...clean air...no? 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  7. I love the 2 owners of our company, who are my dirct bosses. They are the most geniuine, kind and giving people I know!!! 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  8. That's great news!!!! Let me know if there is something you need help with. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  9. What is you take a break from skydiving. Are you a whuffo while you are on break? 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  10. It was great seeing you guys too. Congrats again on getting engaged. Yes sir. Its Aden Alexander Krishman 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  11. So the best plan is to invade them and use that thingy that erased minds in Men in black so they don’t remember how to make bombs. Sounds like another great plan by the commander in chief. Iran is a perfect "what if" scenrio. I think the best option here is a taser. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  12. But you don't think that he should be allowed to own it... no, no, no - that's not the liberal position they think that they can own guns, and their friends and employees can own guns. And anyone they feel sorry for, or guilty about, for that matter.... they just don't want anyone they don't personally know to own guns - it's ok in their personal circle. And Hollywood. I hope that clears it up. Wow, you got it right on the money. If I was liberal I'd use you as my example. Ah hell, if I was conservative I would use you as my example as well. Whew, good thing I am not bound to thinking in 2 ways only. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  13. I like how you put it -- "appear" 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  14. Must be organic balls, cause they took a while to grow. Should have used fertilizer back in 2001/2002 when we were all waiting to see these WMD's. (D's nuts!) So far the approach to Iran has been quite similar as Iraq's approach scaring the US population with these made up weapons. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  15. Yesterday a report came out stating that Iran stopped its nuclear weapon program in 2003 (who knows how accurate this is). Bush today reponds (http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/12/04/iran.nuclear/index.html), saying that Iran is still dangerous without the nuclear weapon. Bush's ship is sinking. Is anyone still taking him seriously anymore? 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  16. Yes, it belongs to my roommate, who spend over a year in Iraq defending us. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  17. There isnt. I've never owned one in my life. And while I cant predict the future, I dont think I ever will. I love shooting them, but I dont have to own one to do that. In order for you to shoot one, somebody has to own it. If you disallow others gun ownership rights, then you're not going to have one to borrow when you want to go shooting. Hypocrite. F$%^ off calling me a hypocrite, gun loving insecure asshole. I have stated before that only business like "gun museums" and "shooting ranges" should be able to own guns, since that's how they make a living. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  18. Of course he does. He is my son.
  19. The guy lunged at the cop. I think the cop had every right to taser this guy. The dude looked threatning. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  20. One should always have a gun. If nothing else, to shoot at the framed "Oakley" on the wall...! Touche Frenchy :) Ive been meaning to put a new poster in that frame for months....as you can see I havent gotten around to that :) 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  21. There isnt. I've never owned one in my life. And while I cant predict the future, I dont think I ever will. I love shooting them, but I dont have to own one to do that. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  22. pop


    It dosnt matter who asks the questions. If a democrat supporter OR a republican supporter ask about abortion, it has nothing to do with who they will be voting for. The candidate simply needs to talk about abortion. Besides, most answers are so canned that you see right trough all of it anyway. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  23. She went for help and ended up getting tazered. Sorta comical. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  24. That is why the muzzle isn't in frame; It is orange. Same gun. That's my little bro right there. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer
  25. I jam out with a techno music "band". Unlike DJ's we create trance music using "instruments". That's a chord to run the equipment to amplifiers. 7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer