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  1. I figured the SIM and a search would have the answer for an A license, but not for a student. Also, I had just come home from surgery and didn't feel like looking.
  2. I know you are required to make a recurrency jump after not having jumped a while if you have your A, but what about if you're still a student? I only have my accuracy jumps left, but won't be able to jump for at least another 3 months.
  3. The receipt wouldn't have it on there. It would only be on the camera, box, and possibly a piece of paper inside the box, but probably not.
  4. I am definitely looking forward to going to Z-Hills and Deland.
  5. Hate to tell you, but the GSBTP plan for your camera is not tied to your S/N. Unless you have the box or some paperwork with the S/N on it, there's no way to get that info.
  6. Usually it's because you either didn't complete all the objectives for that level, or the AFF-I saw a weakness. I had to repeat AFF 6. I wasn't able to complete three disorienting manuvers in one jump.
  7. Once you finish your Cat A, you'll wonder why you were so worried. As for dying, think about it this way: if you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, ie. pass out on exit, you'll still live. You may end up in the middle of nowhere with some cuts and bruises, but you'll be in better condition than pretty much anyone in a car accident. Either your instructors will pull for you, or your AAD will fire. So, to reiterate: you will be fine. You'll surprise yourself by what you're able to do.
  8. Just tell them you're under 21!
  9. Most of the time is spent lying on the ground doing yoga.
  10. Just stick your head out the door.
  11. Lol a rocket comes out of the pitot tube hahahaha!
  12. Making your first a tandem is the way to go IMO. Nothing can beat the first jump, and you want to have no responsibilities, just be able to fully enjoy it and freak out to your heart's content.
  13. Well I would hope if they are unsure, the answer would be no.
  14. Wow they are doing it late. Mine was AFF 4. You won't have a problem. Just arch. You may turn a bit, don't sweat it. They don't expect you to be perfect.