These were all highly experienced skydivers. While we won't be able to eliminate all instances of canopy collisions and/or low turn fatalities, in my opinion this discussion is more about people with lower jump numbers and less experience.
This issue of having some guidelines for downsizing progression, etc. is geared more towards the newer jumpers who are on canopies they shouldn't be. (i.e: someone with 400 jumps on a moderately/highly wingloaded crossbrace canopy). And perhaps some clear guidelines or rules for those cases CAN reduce the amount of fatalities.
Btw - we wouldn't be inventing the wheel here, as this is done in several other countries (i.e: Norway, Denmark, France and perhaps others?). Here's the other thread with links to those countries regulations on max wingloading, jump numbers and/or min. size canopy per exit weight.
It will take some in depth discussion, but the USPA implementing something like this here would be a good thing.
Ella Ran