Got it from the factory with a liquid flatlock and cutaway chin cup. At first I thought I needed to size up but after some breaking in it's now fitting perfectly. The cutaway chin cup is awesome and saved my neck once already. Its nice for speed flying and in the plane to hear people. I don't think this is a loud helmet even with the vents. One day I bumped the top of my head and I felt a sharp pain. Pulled out the liner and discovered that the snap screws in the factory installed flatlock had sharp edges and protruded more than necessary. Would have been nice if they had filed it or used another snap screw. Also they "forgot to ship my order" so it took them several months to get it to me.
All in all a great rig for camera flying, super stable and worth the hassle. Just wish they had done a better job installing the hardware
Very kind staff will welcome you no matter your experience level. They are safe with students and have a good way of not overloading newbies with too much info too fast. I have seen other DZ's that claim to be safe pushing unsafe students too fast too soon. This DZ wont let you continue if they don't see you comprehending and performing what they are teaching. For my recur-ency they had me sit in on a 3.5hr FJC class. Had me answer questions and used me as a dummy for emergency procedures teaching students about malfunctions. They made me and all the students feel informed and safe to jump the following day.
The Hangar is homely and kept tidy, there are dogs but they are behaved and clean. They do let people camp on site or crash on one of the many soft spots around the hangar. The hot tub is a great finish to a long day as well as hanging out with the down to earth staffers. Because there is a Keg-O-Rator on site the staff do watch to make sure no ones drinking that is jumping and it is strictly forbidden to drink before jumping with no exceptions. They prepare food for all in attendance and Darlene is kindly responsible for cooking three square meals a day and encouraging all to eat without asking for you to pay anything. There is a donation box to assist the club in continuing there kindness of preparing food and affording beer for after jumping as well as rubber bands for d-bags and the like.
It is true that this DZ is not USPA approved but with that in mind there safety record and history should speak for itself. Big DZ's in the region have had many accidents and fatalities but they continue to push the point of "only safe jumping can be had at USPA DZ's". Truth be told skydiving is dangerous and as such you should not participate unless you are aware of these risks. Any DZ can be made dangerous if you as an individual do not take this sport seriously and instead exercise complacency. If you exercise a safe attitude and self educate threw USPA's SIM to offset your instructor's teachings you are giving yourself the best chance of becoming a safety minded jumper with an understanding that you will always be a learning student no matter your experience level or acquired USPA license.