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Everything posted by JimGoFast

  1. so many sides?? WTF does that mean??how many sides are there exactly?? you either agree or disagree sounds like one or the other......waiting or not waiting....uh that sounds like two sides.....thats sooo many i had to take my shoes off to count and what exactly are the pros for not waiting until a minumum recomendation to ensure you are familiar with your life saving equipment before introducing other potential hazzards......especially a fucking goofy ass camera anybody???? bueller??? Yeah that does read lame...I meant to say there are so many points to support both pros and cons... Just Enjoy The Ride...
  2. haha...judging by your profile pic I could tell you were a dusty old fart Just Enjoy The Ride...
  3. haha...Calling someone a Skygod is pretty much an insult so yeah. I was insulted by that. In terms of your opinions, I absolutely agree with most of it. There's a balance though between the decision making process as it pertains to the recommendations which by definition leaves room for various factors; hence the fact that they are "recommendations". If you read what I wrote, I said I sought the approval of my S&TA and DZO...This is because I had already made my decision which to clarify, I make no bones about... We have people at the DZ that believe camera flight shouldn't be done until 500 jumps...we have people on the other end of the spectrum...then we have smart people who look at the recommendation of the USPA and the individual and weigh the cost based on the person... Until USPA comes out and says "No Camera flight until minimum 200 Jumps", then it will be nothing more than opinions and there are so many sides to support both pro and con for waiting or not waiting. I liken this to the the Wingsuit flight recommendation. Just Enjoy The Ride...
  4. Why would you consider being told something you don't want to hear an insult? If you would read & follow the BSR's you know that a thick skin is required equiptment following the issuance of the A license! It was the comment about the "Skygod" thing is all. I just think that was unnecessary. My skin is plenty thick...but my tolerance for morons who are single sided is not... Just Enjoy The Ride...
  5. Of course if 'fastJim' has correct info in his profile he's averaging about 20 jumps a year, & that wouldn't make or break the bank and most drop-zone no matter how small. Well, made my first few AFF jumps back in 05...stopped because of...well lets just say what stopped me is out of the way. Came back and got licensed this April. So from April to current I've made the 100+ jumps. So very current. And not on a canopy too small since I pay attention to my S&TA... Great example of how some people just assume something based on some stats they see...doesn't explain the whole story...just part of it. I hope I never become that guy that feels he has to belittle someone because of jump numbers...you elitist types are the very ones that drive newer jumpers from sticking with the sport for sure. Anyhow...back to our topic...Go Pro - Is it a Camera or Not? Just Enjoy The Ride...
  6. Well, I can see that no matter what anyone posts, you will end up simply dissecting what they say and find a way to insult them. Great job as a moderator. Way to ensure continuity of information within the threads by derailing them into insult sessions... Just Enjoy The Ride...
  7. You make a good point about not just listening to the guy/gal with "x000" jumps, but rather listening to multiple people with those numbers. I totally agree with that. So using that logic, combined with the fact that I jump primarily at a very small DZ, that logic would suggest that I'm in the right for continuing to learn to jump with a camera. I say this simply because not only did my S&TA with over 12,000 jumps approve me (who was also my AFF Instructor), but also the DZO and a number of other people with a good deal of jumps tell me I was good to go. I personally have not disagreed with the "Large Majority" of people by course of my actions. In fact I made every effort to ensure that I was not putting anyone else in jeopardy due to a misguided decision on both my end and the DZO/S&TA's ends as well. At the end of the day there are just too many scenarios and variables to come up with a rock solid "this is the way it is" as it pertains to camera flight. The fact that I'm located on a small DZ with 3 other jumpers in the sky at any given time makes my flying a camera "safer" as it would compare to me jumping camera at a place like Elsinore with 21 other jumpers out of the Otter. I would have to agree more with the logic of getting more experience in those regards (Which is why I will NOT jump camera when I jump out at larger DZ's) As for your reason for not jumping with the "100 jump GoPro guy" I can't blame you. We are in a sport where choices and decisions mean life or death. I would want to trust the person I'm jumping with too as much as I could. Always good to err on the side of caution in my opinion. But what can I possibly know...I only have 100+ jumps. So anything logical or rational no matter how true can't be right since I am not D Licensed right? Just Enjoy The Ride...
  8. Yeah I wasn't "tooting my own horn"...I was using it as an example to show that the decision for jumping with the GoPro camera was not my own in it's entirety. I actually give a crap about my own safety as well as the others around me which is why I didn't just slap on a camera at 50 jumps and rock n' roll...I went through the proper channels and sought the approval of more experienced jumpers. And Skygod I am not...There was no need for that. I'm just another guy posting an opinion on a thread of opinions... Just Enjoy The Ride...
  9. Wow! What an interesting thread to read :) So I'm a newbie to the sport in terms of jump numbers and currently am flying with a GoPro strapped to my head and occasionally my ankle (flame away). I only have 105 jumps but both my DZO and my S&TA have signed off and briefed me on EP's and other various hazards. They both felt that after jumping with me that I was "heads-up" enough with my situational awareness, jump routine, and everything else to allow me to "start small" so to speak. I only bring that up to say that the recommendation of 200 jumps is just that...It's a recommendation. Everything about it is good, wise, and there to protect not just the one flying camera, but in my opinion and more importantly the others you share the blue skies with. I know people who have 800 jumps that I don't even like to jump with because they are scary ash @#$! to jump with, and I also know people with 150-200+ jumps that give more heed to safety and also are "heads-up" as it pertains to awareness and emergency procedures. Before I get my head torn off, I know that with jump numbers come muscle memory, and quicker reactions to adverse situations, but we aren't all cast from the same mold either. Some people pick things up quicker and have that ability, some don't. So should people with less than 200 jumps be able to fly camera? Yes. The USPA says that someone with only 100 jumps can be a Coach and jump with someone in the sky who has only 8 AFF jumps...But no S&TA in their right mind will sign off on that rating unless the individual has demonstrated their ability to make good decisions for both their sake and the students sake. Same applies to the Camera. At the end of the day it's more up to the DZO and the S&TA to ensure that people aren't being morons. The USPA aren't the police...they are just there to collect money...whoops did I say that out loud? How about all the DZ's and S&TA's do a better job of ensuring that the wrong people aren't flying camera too early. With that, you can all flame me riiiiiiiiiiiight.......now! Just Enjoy The Ride...
  10. So our DZ is the same... If you don't drink or aren't of age to purchase Beer, we ask that you buy a case of premium Root Beer. If you are of age, we mandate that if you buy a case of Coors light, or PBR, or Miller, that you drink that piss water. Consequently if you purchase Fat Tire, Hef, Sierra Nevada, Rogue or any other premium beer you have full choice of the beer in the fridge. This keeps the freeloaders from buying cases of crap and drinking the good stuff....It also seems to have boosted the quality overall of the beer in the fridge lately since nobody "prefers" to drink the low end when there's a choice All in all I think our DZ is on target with the rules as it pertains to Beer Board Infractions... Just Enjoy The Ride...
  11. It's awesome to see all the different opinions. I think it's high time that we set some guidelines at my home DZ to clear things up. I don't like the Pie thing...too damn messy and I HATE washing it out of my goggles and altimeter for sure. Thanks for all the input guys and gals!
  12. if you profile is correct it astouds me that you could get bored of tandem videos alone, let alone the sport in general... sheesh I did my forst 800 on an old racer (no freefly) with a mavric 200 (in 2002) and was still haing fun, once I got my vector3 I was like a kid in a candy store. I have done as many tandem videos in a year as you have (on your profile) total jumps and I am not yet bored of them (not even close). Sacring yourself seems like a stupid thing to do, at just over 1100 jumps you should stll have heeeaaaaps to learn, maybe skydiving is not for you. If you are bored with it and are resorting to scaring yourself, you should quit for the benefit of the rest of us and the reputaton of the sport. Sorry to sound hard on ya but at just over 1100 jumps you are far from achieving even a fraction of what you are capable of. Well Said. I will emphasize on the fact that I don't think he is being hard on you, rather just stating that you can't have possibly "arrived" in the sense that you have learned all there is to learn in the sport. Stagnation is a mother$%^*#! in any sport. You HAVE to push yourself to new heights and challenge yourself. The challenge is the reason you were so into it in the first place...Find a new one within our beloved sport :) Just Enjoy The Ride...
  13. The plain un-varnished truths regarding the beer rules are simple. 1) If you convince someone to buy beer, it will be consumed. 2) If you cannot convince someone to buy beer, some may go thirsty. It is the un-stated responsibility of all those who drink beer to maximize the occurrence of 1), above. Regarding pies - if/when you hit a person with a pie, if it tastes good, you won't be hated as much as when it tastes bad. haha...yeah I like the logic thus far. So forgetting about the Pie, lets just focus on Beer...after all that's what's important here :) Just Enjoy The Ride...
  14. Okay, so I need some global consensus here. We have some fellows at the DZ that have some conflicting views on the "Beer Board" infractions. I need some opinions here to help clarify the rules as the skydive community see's them Viewpoint 1: Every skydive jump number ending in "00" or "000" is not only a pie, but also a case of beer. Viewpoint 2: Every skydive jump number ending in "00" up to 300 is a case of beer, and only the first time you hit "000". A pie is in order for any "00" or "000" though. I'm leaning towards Viewpoint 1 myself. Said buddy is leaning towards Viewpoint 2...Gee go figure he has about 800+ jumps. So with that where do you stand? Viewpoint 1 or 2? Just Enjoy The Ride...