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  • Home DZ
    Sky Dive San Diego
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  1. Theres not much I can say that the others haven't. That TAT kicks ass.
  2. The com ports on the back are usually COM 1 or COM 2. Good Luck!
  3. I am the last person to judge anyone for anything. I have been judged all my life for who I choose to make friends with (anyone with a personality... white, black, gay, straight, it doesn't matter). At one point I was told by my own mother I couldn't date someone because they were Asian. So for me to say that these people are white trash for their views is the same type of persecution I have had to deal with. It is a form of discrimination. Everyone is equal under the Constitution... as long as they do not infringe upon another's rights. If you become a friend, you have earned the title of distinction. A title worth earning. "Can't we all just get along?" Hommie the Clown
  4. I work in the IT field... sounds like a code I-D-10-T-S... just kidding... always ends up being the interface between the user and the keyboard. (Fat fingered it again LOL)
  5. This "hobby" is more of an obsession. I go to sleep at night and I dream of diving. I wake up and I want to dive. This is amazing... it is so easy to become "addicted." I guess I better start going to SA meetings (Skydivers Anonymous).
  6. Thank you all. I am looking for all the information I can find on this sport. If you have any ideal websites shoot them to me. I am still amping from the experience. I have to extend a thanks to everyone at SkyDiveSanDiego... they made this possible.
  7. Well, made my first jump yesterday. Decided to go AFF then Static or Tandem. It was the greatest ride of my life. I go for level 2 one month from 5/4/02. I cant wait. This is the greatest thrill I have ever experienced. Had the greatest remark made to me and I will never forget it "Welcome to the Sky." Means a lot to me seeing as how I am afraid of heights. Have fun!!!