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    Carolina Skydiving
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    Formation Skydiving
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  1. When I did my first tandem, one of the other jumpers in the plane looked at me and said: "You know, everyone is born with 2 natural fears: loud noises and falling." Then he just gives me a big smile. :D
  2. I would definitely feel more comfortable with that as opposed to the others. It fits nicely in the palm of my had, and in my opinion, makes for an easier/less awkward pull. This is only based on personal speculation, considering the fact that I've only jumped a rig with the monkey fist hackey. Just considering the alternatives, that feels ideal for me.
  3. I'm currently having this same problem , and it's caused me to repeat category C more times than I care to mention. Putting on a huge smile during the jump is a good idea! And I like the idea of sticking my tongue out at my instructors...that would certainly make me laugh, because I know I would get a strange reaction from them. I think a lot of it comes down to self-confidence. You know the dive flow, you know what you have to do, so don't worry about it...your muscle memory will kick in when it needs to. When I got on the ground after my final jump last weekend, my instructor told me "You know you can exit the plane, you can pull at the right altitude, and you can navigate your canopy what are you so tense about?" So it makes a lot of sense...go in with the knowledge that you know what you have to do, and have fun with it!
  4. Jump number 7, my horrible situational awareness almost made me run headfirst into the DZ clubhouse. I have somehow completely avoided landing on my feet (or PLF) on any jump thus far. My instructor constantly questions why I haven't gotten hurt yet.
  5. Personally, I would always suggest at least doing one tandem before AFF. It isn't illogical to start off with AFF, but in the long run, I think a tandem would help a great deal. It eases you into the world of skydiving, and gives you an idea of what being in the air feels like. Also, it's very easy to get sensory overload your first time, so doing a tandem can help reduce that.
  6. Whether you are interested in a first jump or a weekend skydiving trip, you can't go wrong here. Everyone here makes up a fantastic group of people, and everyone will do whatever they can to help you out. This DZ provides a very intimate, family-like setting, and nobody is made to feel like an outsider. I would highly recommend this DZ to anyone. It doesn't get better than Adrenaline Air Sports!
  7. These are my two biggest reasons, and have been said perfectly.
  8. The thrill is a big part for me (it's what got me into it). But overall it's peaceful; it makes me forget about everything else that's going on. It gives me something to look forward on a constant basis.
  9. Once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.
  10. it's awesome ain't it!! Can't wait to do my aff!!! Same here! As soon as I can earn the $2,000+ to do AFF, I'll be on my way!
  11. Just did my first tandem today from a C-206! It was definitely the experience of a lifetime!
  12. Anything and everything I can find! I do some mountain biking when I can, a lot of rock climbing, just getting into parkour, and I use body modification to some extent to get that adrenaline release. Needless to say, I'm looking to broaden my list of adrenaline-producing activities.
  13. Hey everyone! I'm a complete newbie (doing my first tandem in 2 weeks! :D), but I'm so excited to even be testing the waters here! Someone I know suggested trying skydiving as a way to fulfill my adrenaline junkie tendencies, so here I am! As I get the funds, I'm extremely interested in getting licensed and everything, because this is definitely something that I would love to get involved in, and something that would be worth the investment to me. But anyways, I just wanted to drop in and say hello. :)
  14. AH, thank you so much! I missed that thread. ;)
  15. I'm a complete newbie, so forgive me if this is a stupid question. I'm doing my first tandem in 2 weeks, and hoping to do my AFF training in the (hopefully) near future. My question is if I complete the AFF program at one DZ, could I do the coaching section at a different DZ as long as I'm current, or do I have to commit to a single DZ until I get my A license? Or even, could I do different parts of the coaching progression at multiple DZs?