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Everything posted by dove

  1. I always get a lot of pissed of glares when on a commercial plane that's just pulled up to the gate and I yell, "Door!" then, "Exit! Exit! Exit!" Fall in dove.
  2. dove

    Send Good Vibes

    The dove is due for some lovin'!
  3. Um, I actually had exotic dancer barbie! And I had fancy barbies... they all had sharpie nipples cleverly applied by my brother. Apparently GI Joe is a nipple man. Fall in dove.
  4. dove

    Send Good Vibes

    Oh, give it up already! Give it to me! Must I beg? Fall in dove.
  5. dove

    Send Good Vibes

    What? Fall in dove.
  6. dove

    Send Good Vibes

    Backatcha babe! Ow. Fall in dove.
  7. I am forwarding all my good vibes to Clay. Cheer up sweetie. Fall in dove.
  8. Sunshine - lemme know wherever you go and I'll drive to meet you! Yippee! Fall in dove.
  9. Yup - not worth looking up. Just a black and white of the same photo as on the site. Fall in dove.
  10. Older Parachutist. I think it was like Jan or Feb of this year? Maybe March. I could go look but my gimpy ass ain't gettin' up for that. Sorry! Fall in dove.
  11. Yup - they used my grinning mug for a Lake Wales ad that said "too much fun" in Parachutist. Fall in dove.
  12. Since you're in VA you might check out the Skydive Orange Thanksgiving Boogie. $15 jumps and they might have 2 otters. And as usual plenty of partying and nakedness. Fall in dove.
  13. I'm probably going to Lake Wales. I went there last Thanksgiving and had a blast. It was the first time I'd spent the holidays away from family. It was also my first inflatable jump! Check for 2 pics of me on the Guiness chair. Yes - I was enjoying myself! Fall in dove.
  14. dove

    Send Good Vibes

    What the? OK - please translate for the drugged up chick on the couch. Fall in dove.
  15. It's not the longer plane ride I mind. But it's a lot of work for the extra flying time and it's not like you're gonna get way fancy with the dive when you are low on oxygen for the first minute. Don't get me wrong - it was fun and neat. But I'd rather save all the prep time and make 2 quick fun jumps. But that's just me.
  16. Don't you see me here looking back at you? Do I need to shake my rump to get your attention? Fall in dove.
  17. oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh, and you'll be all sweaty and slippery! I LIKE that! Fall in dove.
  18. Enrique, in case you haven't picked up on this yet.... I am SEVERELY oversexed and PAINFULLY underlayed. Whoever gets here first gets the BOOBIE prize! Fall in dove.
  19. The grass is short and well conditioned. You might enjoy rolling around in it!
  20. I love a guy in boxers. But also like boxer briefs - boulder holders I call em! Fall in dove.
  21. Sure - dog me and then go scrambling to edit your post. "Kick her when she's down," right? Young Viking - so much to learn. When she's down, take her THAT way! So, Christoofar..... How you doin'? Oops! Did I drop a feather right in front of you? Fall in dove.
  22. Yeah, see? Bill knows what I'm talkin' about!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! Fall in dove.
  23. Um, actually, I'm all about pleasing me! (note: the things that please me tend to please guys too) If you don't like my landing strip feel free to use another airport! I like the way my hooch looks with a little shading. Fall in dove.