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Everything posted by dove

  1. Hey! Well if it isn't Brian with the kickass sit! I was so impressed when you were right there in a solid sit next to Alli when I came to close it in. Hehe - ours was the only side to close. Yeah baby! Seriously, nice flying with you again. Funny how many dz.commers you can know without knowing they are dz.commers. Fall in dove.
  2. Are you talking about me? I'm not so sure I'd classify me wagging my tongue in freefall and making ridiculous faces as cute. But thanks. You have that on video, right? Hehe. At least no one can accuse me of being tense and unrelaxed when I fly. Fall in dove.
  3. Hey! Where are the bigway pics?! I wanna feast my eyes on some of that action! Fall in dove.
  4. Waitress in a restaurant to Ron: "Sorry about your wait." Me: "Why, does he look fat to you?" I just love a play on words. Fall in dove.
  5. hehe. I was kidding about the jeans. Just making fun of a certain PMS who made that comment. Shit, I was wearing corduroys at Perris when we got a 16way headdown formation built from 8k! This sport freakin' rocks! photo courtesy of the one, the only sunnydee123!
  6. Alas, I will never be a smokin' freeflier cause I wear jeans. Everyone knows you can't freefly in jeans. Are you serious about Cali? Fall in dove.
  7. Hey Yoshi! It was great to meet ya! Though you were completely distracted at the time raving about your zoo dives. Fall in dove.
  8. We're sad you weren't there either cause you da bomb! Fall in dove.
  9. You're in my prayers brother. Fall in dove.
  10. That is wonderful Jack! He gets a second shot at life. I hope it is filled with love and happiness. I will keep praying for you. I love happy endings.... and happy beginnings too.
  11. I have known many people with dogs who have started having seizures (myself included) and I can tell you that if you would have waited, you would have only prolonged the pain. You did themost humane thing possible. So you shouldn't feel guilty. And all you can do about your own pain is give it time. Dogs are as much a part of our lives as family. They ARE family. I am so sorry for your loss. But how lucky your pooch was to have lived a happy life with you.
  12. Anything in there about the bigway camp at Perris? Fall in dove.
  13. My thoughts exactly. Fall in dove.
  14. The site is still under construction so there really isn't that much there except forms to print up. You could try to contact them. phone 515-280-6691 fax 515-280-6681 email Good luck!
  15. Please, no more nomination threads. Fall in dove.
  16. Why yes, yes there is. I know quite a few. Question is, can you handle one? Fall in dove.
  17. Rosa, honey, I am so glad you came to the boogie. I just wish it would have been all smiles instead of obstacles. And despite all of your own troubles, you and Mel still had time to defend me against a rude offender with a tasteless request. Who would have ever guessed that two such petite girls as yourselves would pack such a strong punch!(figuratively) Now don't ever let me catch you considering such silly options as sleeping in the packing tent again. Such absurd ideas as that belong to me! Glad you got home safely, even if it was 6 hours late. Fall in dove.
  18. Mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That post was so sweet I had to brush my teeth before replying! This was absolutely the most fanstastic boogie. I am so glad I got to go. The whole way home Ron and I kept remarking how much fun we had, how many totally rockin' jumps we did, and how glad we are we went.
  19. I didn't get into skydiving because of a relationship, but I got out of a relationship because of skydiving. Fall in dove.
  20. The whole thing absolutely ROCKED! There is no way I can pinpoint any one thing. Got to meet lots of dz.commers, got picked up by Amazon, made some serious kickass bigway freefly jumps, got whacked on the door of the casa, went to the most foul seafood restaurant I have ever encountered, and laughed so often my smilin' muscles are sore! Moss Point Mardi Gras rocks! Thanks to everyone for a fantastic weekend. Fall in dove.
  21. Wow! Gorgeous! Hell, I'll even go for a tandem for that view. Hehe - at this point I would probably find a tandem scarier than I did on my first jump! Seriously though - it's almost March! The flowers will be poking their heads up very soon!
  22. I miss Hawaii too and I've never been there.
  23. dove

    Who is this?

    I forgot. Damn - lotsa skydivers selling lotsa products these days! Fall in dove.