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Everything posted by dove

  1. dove

    I know

    I am 100% sure!
  2. Froggie, I'll be there. Probably around 11 or noon. Can't wait! I got directions off the website. See you tomorrow! Elisa
  3. Froggie & Speedracer, I am in major bum mode right now. I was gonna jump my hiney off today but the complete cloud cover kept me on the ground. I am so in need of a fix I will come up to Cross Keys on MONDAY if there are any loads going up. The weather is supposed to be PERFECT! 80 degrees and sunny. Yee-hah! I also went to the Xkeys website and if it is really only 13 miles from PHilly - Philly is only 1:45 from my house so maybe around 2 hours to get there. No problem. That's what I am driving now! Will you be there on Monday, Froggie? Any business on the schedule? Hope to see you there! Elisa P.S. Yes, my name really is Elisa Bell. I have never heard of a song in my name. I will have to check that out!
  4. SpeedRacer, Wow - you are close! I am in Columbia, but work often in DC. (I am a freelancer) What is your home DZ? Are you jumping this weekend? Weather looks nice... I have already pulled out my rig and the wonderful aroma of jumping has got me even more anxious. Can't wait til tomorrow! Elisa
  5. Froggie, I will definitely let you know when I am coming to Cross Keys - not too long from now! Are you guys there only on weekends or every day? I'll have to find a tight suit to keep my feathers from slowing down my fall rate! Never can say I've jumped with a frog before! Cheers! Elisa P.S. Any idea how long it takes to get there from Baltimore?
  6. Froggie, I totally agree with you! Frankenotter rules! Absolutely the most awesome jump plane out there. I have never been to Cross Keys, but I am planning on spending a lot of time there this summer to see my good pal Frank! Blue ones! Elisa
  7. dove

    Skydiving magazine

    Daniel, When I first ordered Skydiving I had the same problem. I think if you get on their list after a certain time of the month you don't get on the mailout list on time. It might come late. But I didn't wait. I called them and had them send one right out. You can call them at (904) 736-4793. Good luck! Elisa
  8. You think that's bad? I am NOT working today and the weather is BEAUTIFUL! But the LAME tandems that were supposed to come out to the DZ cancelled and so there are not enough bodies to get the plane off the ground! I am writhing in pain! Get me airborne! Elisa
  9. dove


    Congrats Zennie!!!!! Doesn't it feel awesome?!?!?! Now you have to go sign a bunch of logbooks so you can write your number a million times! I still smile everytime I write mine! (Of course, that's also cause if I'm writing it I've been flying the friendly skies.) Cheers! Elisa
  10. Sis, I am not a pilot but I had this conversation with one before at a DZ. It was his day off and he was making FREE jumps all day long - an incredible perk! FREE JUMPS!!!!! All you need then is enough income to eat and sleep! Can I be on your first load? Elisa
  11. I am definitely praying for you! I would go into mourning if I lost mine! All the high-tech things it does and it doesn't have a pager! It'll show up - hopefully BEFORE the next jump! Elisa
  12. dove


    A.N.I.D.A.S.T. All Night I Dream About Skydiving Too!
  13. dove

    San Diego DZ

    Philip, I was in San Diego last November and decided to get a few jumps in. I went to Air Adventures Skydiving at Brown Field Airport. It was only about 15-20 minutes away and I had a great time. Very nice people - and no sky gods! Wish I could have stayed longer. One odd thing for me though, you boarded the plane near manifest and then landed out in a desert-like area and a bus took us back. Not bad, just different. And a beautiful view of the shore from altitude. Enjoy yourself! Cheers! Elisa
  14. I'm in TV too. I do graphics for live sporting events, like NFL football, NHL hockey, NBA basketball, and MLB baseball. And more recently I am covering March Madness for CBS. I thought I had the coolest job until I started skydiving, then I thought the folks who lived and worked at the DZ had the coolest jobs! Cheers! Elisa
  15. I just did the Search last month at Sebastian and it was incredible. They are awesome at teaching you good body position and high-performance maneuvers. I don't know how they do it, but you can really see and feel the difference in the aie. I also did the wind tunnel with a coach and that was really helpful too. I definitely recommend doing skydive U. Expensive but worth every cent! Elisa
  16. dove

    the search 2

    Barry, Did you order your new Odyssey yet? Or are you still agonizing over colors/options, etc.? Elisa P.S. I've already been chatting with Russell, but thanks!
  17. Sis, I know what you mean - I wear contacts too and I have wondered what I would do if something got in my eye during freefall or more likely under canopy. Fortunately I do have soft contacts, but they still hurt like hell when ANYTHING gets in there! I have thought about Lasik but even more than the money thing I don't like the minute chance that I will be the 1/100 that has worse vision afterwards. Contacts are inconvenient, but permanently damaged eyeballs would be a tragedy. So I choose to cope with the hassle. I did see someone lose a contact under canopy before. You'd be surprised how good you can see with one eye when you have too! Here's to dust-free jumps! Cheers! Elisa
  18. OK, this is getting out of hand. I agree with freaksis - prove it to me with a scientific study! I did all of my AFF on 230's (a wing loading of almost 2.0/1!!! I landed on my knees on the first jump and have been standing up my landings since then. Even with each downsize of my canopy and on all different sorts of rentals before getting my own gear, landing have not been a problem. You guys just spend too much time ogling us hot chicks and so you notice any less-than-graceful landings more than you would those of your brethren! Cheers! Elisa
  19. dove

    the search 2

    Oops! Forgot to sign my name! I am Elisa - I was jumping with Anne. Barry - You live close to Russell, right?
  20. Hey Skreamer! Thanks so much for the link to skydivemag! What an awesome website - there are some tremendous articles in there about spotting and canopy control and I have only barely started to peruse the site. I am always looking for more ways to feed my addiction when I am stuck on the ground. You should make a commission off of all the subscriptions they are about to receive from readers! Cheers! Elisa P.S. Craig - the March Parachutist arrived at my house last week. Give them a call and they will send you another issue if yours was lost. (It's happened to me before too!)
  21. dove

    the search 2

    I was at the Search this year and it was indeed an awesome skydiving and learning experience. There were 2 students to each instructor and most instructors had 2 rigs so were doing back-to-backs all day. They are excellent instructors - I could not believe how much I was learning and how much better I got at skydiving in such a short time. Actually, you wouldn't want the Search to be any bigger than it already is or you would lose the 2/1 student-teacher ratio and also not be able to do as many loads a day. When you do so many jumps in a small time you can really build on your experience and progress much quicker. An extra bonus - all of the students and coaches were wonderful people and I think everyone left with many more friends than they came with! You don't have to wait for the Search though to get excellent training from Skydive U. I never understood what all the hub-bub about them was until I went and I am a NEW skydiver! Check them out at Cheers!
  22. dove


    Craig, I have a 150 and I love it! I have put 35 jumps on it and it always opens smooth as butter (except one time - but I was still in a track - ouch!) I have never even had slight line twists on it! I don't roll the nose at all - just push it in slightly. I do roll the tail several times, but mostly just to keep it all tight and neat when I lay it down. It is a great canopy and I get nice response from riser inputs too! Have fun! Cheers! Elisa
  23. When I asked about spotting during AFF I was told not to worry about it cause of GPS. It only took one load where no one made it back for me to realize that I wanted to know more about spotting - GPS or not! So I made it a hobby to ask those who clearly knew a lot about spotting (could even give corrections with hand signals I knew nothing about) and get them to give me some tips. You will find most people are more than willing to open the door a few seconds early and show you what they are looking for. Is spotting important? That's up to you. DO you mind landing off the DZ every once in a while?