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  • Home DZ
    pacific airsports
  • License
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  • Years in Sport
  • First Choice Discipline
    Wing Suit Flying
  • Second Choice Discipline
    Speed Skydiving
  1. thats sweet I am all for some good feminism I just love it when the two ladies are all kissing and rubbing on each other.
  2. Well thats rad news. Maybe I'll rip one for my recurrency.. or maybe for my solo check-out.
  3. What kind of jump numbers are reccomended before trying before trying this mr bill dealy.
  4. +50 internet points for you.
  5. I got a tip for ya. There's a fast forward thingie you can click on to cut to the chase. You gotta admit that was pretty amazing, even if the music and dancing was annoying. thanks for the tip haha and yeah you're right it was quite a feat maybe next time they can just jump through a ring of fire into the hoop or something
  6. contortionists eh... you owe me my time back
  7. I dunno if I'd say cool or the obvious first mistake we've made i the robo-revolution
  8. +1 Pretty definitive really. The real ones will always be around enjoy the rest as aquaintances while you can.
  9. All in all there is really only three things you can do when presented with imminent danger panic, choke or react appropriatly. I think in all situations we all have the capacity for all three. Depends on your day. Here's a killer article on panicking and choking.
  10. hi I am a beginner wondering if an older bullet container is worth purchasing? If in good condition will it be safe and applicable, and will it pose any limitations for me?
  11. my first solo was this weekend last guy in the caravan counted to ten ride the slide couple of threes and reached for my pilot for the last 1000' best feeling ever!!!!
  12. vic has off-site landing... and pitt meadows has killer fun staff is transit accsesable and has a big plane (a king air but not sure if they're still running it) I say if you can stand the city hit pitt
  13. Did 5 jumps there on my way through edmonton. LYL WADDEL IS THE MAN!!!