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  1. I have heard rumors Cobalts pack bigger per square ft than other canopies. I have a Sabre 2 150 in an Infinity built for a 170. Will a cobalt 135 fit in it and will it be compatable with a PD 176 reserve?
  2. The hottest skydiver chick I have seen is Colleen from somewhere in Florida. I would date her in an instant. I am no longer attracted to non-skydivers.
  3. >>This guy should've known that you simply can't do 180 hard toggle turns at a hundred feet! Why didn't he know this? He should've had a canopy control course available to him that would teach him how to safely speed up his landings - maybe by using double fronts, if he wanted to.
  4. They just hired some dude! I told Blue that she was a selfish asshole for not hiring a 5'2" blondie sex Goddess with fake tits. She said no females applied. I told her that there was no excuse! FEMALES....Please apply to Square 1. It is turning into a sausage fest! Frank is all the sausage we need (not much by all accounts).
  5. I am very offended! you must be drunker than an Indian on payday to post something like this! It is stereotypes like these that really hurt Americans of all skin color and ethnic group like darkies; fags; nips; ragheads; bluehairs; wetbacks;and brits. I bet you think that just because all female pro golfers are lesbians, that all the ones at your local course are too! Just because all Brits have bad teeth doesnt mean they are bad people. Just because all the silly French people smell does not make them stupid! Just because all Canadians are inbred doesnt make them sexually undesireable! You are probably one of those people that actually believe the Holocaust really happened! Dick
  6. Shes cute, but she aint got nothin on this girl that was at Perris this weekend. I can't remember her name but she was about 5ft tall, blondish, mabye 90lbs, a packer at Eloy and on her way to Oregon with some foreign dude......She was HOT! Who was she? Dick
  7. I had the same problem. I went and squirted super glue into the neighbors car door locks then I put a bowl of anti-freeze over the fence. The dog lapped it up like it was candy and he was dead the next day.