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Everything posted by Tiggr

  1. Thanks, that seem sensible. My jumpsuit has a nylon front and spandex arms (although I am going to get the arms tightened a bit as they are a wee bit baggy, which wont help). I tuck the booties out the way at present anyway, as I suspect they will only assist me inadvertently zooming backwards (until I rectify my tendency to bring my feet too near to my backside!). Tunnel time has certainly assisted in showing me how to slow my fall rate (which I am quite good at but its unlikely to be necessary very frequently) and to speed it up by the extra-hard arch, but mantis leaves me a bit less stable at this early stage - hence the weight belt...
  2. ...this may seem an odd question, so apologies if the answer is obvious (on the otherhand I suspect a mathematician might be needed to help!) I have a slow fall rate (100mph) and am initially looking to use a weight belt to allow for better FS coaching. My one coach jump to date was a bit taxing on my instructor, who tells me he rarely has to fall so slowly. The question is quite simply this...how do I work out how much lead weight I need to carry to speed me up to an 'average' fall rate of, say, 120mph? Any ideas as to how to work this out would be gratefully received (other than trial and error...I can figure that one myself! )
  3. I am aware that if I have a tighter suit that will help (but my one has space for plenty of layers/woolies for when the weather is colder!). I have also been told that the 'mantis' position would help - but with jump numbers only in the mid-30's I am looking for as much stability as possible at this stage. Even with a hard arch, its quite a difficult task to speed up. I have had around 20 minutes of tunnel time so have been able to practise the mantis position a bit, but obviously any minor body adjustments initially send me into the walls! It may be best for me to practise mantis a bit in freefall (and try turning) and then get an FS coach as a steady point reference to see if I am hurtling backwards/forwards.
  4. South Cerney, near Cirencester. Haven't got the courage to try any other DZ yet...you know what its like with learning something - one new thing at a time is enough to handle. South Cerney has one of the biggest PLAs in the UK and I am sure I will panic about having 'off' landings if I go anywhere smaller No doubt when I am more confident in my canopy handling skills I will be more comfortable with different DZ's. What's it like at Swansea?
  5. ...looks a good site - gonna have a nose around! I have only recently got my 'A' licence (after doing a static line course) so I am now starting for my FS1. My immediate problem is going to be that I have a slow fall rate (around 100 mph...or 160kph) so task number 1 is likely to be finding a weight belt . That, however, is probably likely to be easier than getting any coaches to lose weight! Now to browse the rest of the site...