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Everything posted by s0urce

  1. I'm a student myself, but an instructor let me borrow his book which I found was a great read. Parachuting - The Skydiver's Handbook by Dan Poynter
  2. If you have so much money to throw around. Opt for the gastric bypass surgery. Your weight will go down faster than a Thai hooker. But seriously, this guy was over 500 lbs. and now he's going skydiving. http://www.videojug.com/interview/psychological-effects-of-gastric-bypass-2 Definitely a troll...funny none the less.
  3. Hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX_PTN6axJo Edit: old one was removed.
  4. Hey Skymama, How do you know she has a good "tunnel" and is that what the kids are calling it now days? Oh wow...THAT tunnel.. Well that tunnel isn't very large, in fact there's only room for one. Forget 2-way's and 3-way's, and team training certainly isn't an option. Not to mention it's invite only and the guest list has been full for the past 2 years.
  5. Long time reader, first time poster... My name is Chris, I'm very new to the sport. My girlfriend and I had both wanted to start skydiving since we started dating over 2 years ago. Initially we were going to do a tandem together to celebrate her birthday on June 27th, but after some research we both opted for the AFF course instead. A month later, here we are -- AFF course complete, over 30 minutes of tunnel time each, and we're both addicted beyond belief. I try to get to the tunnel in Hollywood at least once a week, and now I'll be doing 2-3 Solo's every Friday until I get the A license. I've been jumping at Elsinore so far, but I'm excited to have many DZ's within arms reach in the So. Cal area. A huge thanks to everyone at the 'Snore for being as awesome as they are. I couldn't have come this far without the awesome help from so many instructors there... Lelo, Jose, Bob, Damien, Aaron, Michael to name a few. It's truly a pleasure to be a part of such an awesome community filled with (without a doubt) the happiest people alive. I'm looking forward to siphoning through the wisdom and BS these boards will definitely provide...and maybe I'll contribute a tad bit myself.
  6. Holding the toggles in a certain fashion would render the parachute inoperable.