Good article. I jumped until just shy of 7 months and our little guy has 256 jumps before he was born. It was definitely more of an adujustment AFTER he was born (He is 7 months now) as both my husband and I are instructors- and I find it's difficult when nursing during the jump day. One thing that is not mentioned in the article is how the change in the body actually affects your flying. You're increasing your "natural arch" continually! Some adjustment was needed. First it started off by losing the weight belt, then flying flatter, then suit changes. I am an AFF instructor so choosing my students and exits didn't work for me. Also, it's proven that eye sight changes due to hormone changes in pregnancy so depth perception on landing has to be considered. I found it took until about 5 months postpartum for this to correct back to normal for me. Biggest thing- be comfortable and stop when the situation makes you or your partner uncomfortable: each pregnancy is different so decide for you and yours!