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Everything posted by Krollo

  1. I think all new tonysuits has this option as standard, it's called "escape sleeves".
  2. There are several reasons why wingsuiting is considered more dangerous then regular skydiving. Most of the dangers are related to lack of experience. - Bad exit, hitting the tail. - Unstable deployments resulting in malfunctions. - Bad body position resulting in big burble that might Oscillate your pilotchute into another dimension! - Lazy pilot throw, resulting in pilotchute Oscillation/twists. - mid air collisions with other wingsuits. Actually, I've done all of these (except for hitting the aircraft tail). Except from the problems listed, I think the most dangerous part of wingsuit flying is the deployment. Wingsuits are like straitjackets, you can't make inputs to your canopy during opening. And when your canopy is opened it is extremly important to pay attention to other canopies. How many times havent we seen wingsuit video, then after deployment the jumper starts unzipping and does not pay ANY attention to the airspace. This is not really just for wingsuits, but it is easier to get distracted by all the zippers.
  3. Macca, you got mail! Even though I live in Norway I want a nice and fit wingsuit, not a tent!
  4. Hey! Just ordered a V4 from phoenix fly. After months of experimenting with the colour tool I finaly became satisfied My question: How loose is the "loose-fit/winter clothing" option? Have anyone here chosen this option on their suits, if so how was the outcome?
  5. Great colours! Love it! How much does flying without a helmet improve your glide ratio?
  6. Krollo


  7. Wow sweet ws base vid! Now that I have started WS skydiving myself (currently 10jumps) I got so much more respect for those people that chose to take it to the next level and do ws base. And that shadowplay @03:08 was pure badass! Sweet backflying by the guy in the white suit aswell. Cool vid, keep it safe!
  8. Nice vid elias. Cool to see some cloudsurfing from sevilla. I was there last christmas, and didnt see 1 single cloud :( Skydave: Industrial Haze :P
  9. Is there any requirements for this competition? Are novice flyers just as welcome as the "elite"?