Hey everyone, I'm starting my skydiving career shortly ! I jumped one tandem for my birthday almost a year ago. I must admit I really want to get my license. I loved it. The only problem I ran into was I don't have the money. While I love it, I feel I need to get my debt cleared first.
This was all up until about a week ago. I got a job to become a parachute packer for a relatively local DZ!!!! The instructor said that he'll take me on a couple of free tandems from time to time as well as help train me towards getting my license. I can also use my packing money to help attain gear and training ! Not to mention I get to hang out in the hangar all weekend getting others hooked on the sport. I'm so excited I could burst.
Sorry for the lengthy post but I just wanted to introduce myself and ask for any tips about packing / rigging for a total newbie. Eager to hear all the wisdom you seasoned pros have.