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  1. YES, the Pope has been consulted haha, he a frequent friend of mine for turbulent flow. If we want to keep a solid definition of Laminar, its Re
  2. And so the debate inside my head is fully revealed. Yes, I have had this exact argument going on for some time. And I think you enthusiasts can help narrow my decision. Laminar air is harder to achieve, especially with the type of rig I plan on building, my next question is open to anyone is whether you can feel a difference in the tunnels turbulent flow to a nice blue sky dive? Any form of explanation of the difference in flight characteristics would be useful. Last point, some WT suck others blow (insert jokes here), one would tend to be more laminar the other more turbulent respectively, anybody fly in both and could compare those experiences if they differed any? Thanks
  3. Thank you very much for the info, that was what I was after. I do want to ask more of an opinion based question as a follow up. You mention the burble (low pressure pocket), would that not be caused also with lamnar flow as well, I'm pretty sure it would? I think we agree that once the air impacts the falling body, it becomes turbulent, but what I am after is if the air below the free falling body is laminar or turbulent will it change the fall characteristics and ultimately stability? The study is still being focused on specific research criterion but topics to be explored are relationships of density and animals coefficient of (drag) friction. Animals of both classifications, gliders and non gliders will be studied. At this time more detail cannot be provided.
  4. I am in the early design stages of building a small vertical wind tunnel for laboratory research of falling animal dynamics at terminal velocity. Although I have gone skydiving a few times, I am no expert. For all of you who are enthusiasts and I'm sure the couple of scientists out there too, I propose the following questions? What type of flow would best simulate a fall at terminal velocity, Laminar or Turbulent, why? Has anyone experienced time in a tunnel which has either extreme flow type or even experienced this in true free fall and noticed a difference in fall characteristics? Will either way make much of an impact on fall dynamics in the scheme of a 65 MPH terminal velocity? Feel free to get technical with fluid mechanics or however you may feel comfortable explaining for the non scientists, I appreciate all opinions. Greg