I agree with you Shaggio! This particular instructor who was asked to leave (Damien), failed to mention that he was racially attacking the other instructor (who "man-handled" (HA!) his student to the door???) in front of the student and was messing with his gear as he was trying to hook the student up...as I have seen him do before, because he for some unknown reason he thinks this is funny.
Our drop zone is very professionally run. The DZ manager may not be Mr. Congeniality all the time, but safety is always his first concern, and he does a good job running the DZ (an under appreciated job that none of the rest of us want). For Damien, I could certainly see how this would rub him the wrong way, as he has very little regard for the safety of himself or anyone around him.
Our riggers, instructors, and staff at the drop zone are VERY qualified and the food is fine. Frankly Damien, I can't believe you would insult your FRIENDS like this (have you really thought about WHO you are slamming?) just because you are upset with the DZ manager who removed you for good reason! To that I say THANKS James, for keeping our DZ safe and drama free!