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  1. Hi, I forgot the term for it but what is it called when a skydiver exits the aircraft with another skydiver holding onto them. The skydiver being held on to then deploys his main parachute whilst the other skydiver clings on. Due to the early deployment it makes it possible to hold on as the velocity is not too great. The secondary skydiver then lets go and deploys their main parachute after freefalling. I overheard this at the dropzone, what is it called and is it legal? IF it has been done of course =] Thanks!
  2. Sorry for late reply, all is good! Well I did all the ground school but didn't get to jump on either Saturday or Sunday because of cloud and high winds. Hoping to go up this Saturday and do my level 1 though =] Apparently it's a sport of sitting around...English weather isnt all that great this time of the year. Thanks for all the advice though.
  3. Thanks for the advice so far, getting excited now, early start tomorrow so I am not hitting up the booze!
  4. Sorry! What i meant was a very basic understanding of what it entails.
  5. Hi, I'm doing my AFF level 1 this saturday a year after doing my first tandem and I am really excited and nervous! I have spent about a year researching into skydiving and feel like I have a very basic understanding of what the sport entails. Hopefully I will continue to work my way through the levels if I love it enough and I can afford it. Just wondering if anyone had any tips you could offer me for the jump and the sport in general. Thanks!
  6. I have decided that the safest and best decision would be to wait until next summer where I have 4 months off and do my qualification at the beginning of the summer and then skydive throughout to get 50 jumps or so and confident with my skills. I think that this would be much safer than just do the AFF 8 jumps and then the 10 consolidation jumps. I would then have to wait 3 months until xmas break to jump again and i think not only would this be unsafe but I would probably ride the plane down. =] Also another 9 months reading this website and educating myself may lead to a more definitite decision next summer when I ask myself again, should I book this aff course. Of course skydiving is in my mine and so I cannot wait almost another year to jump and therefore I am going to book myself another tandem right now XD
  7. Perfect answer thanks. Totally agree with the whole irrational moma bear thing! Think I will go for my AFF level one and see how it goes =]
  8. I can handle the financial aspect as I have worked hard over the summer to save up. It's just whether it can be logistically organised, having to get the train then cycle 6 miles to drop zone to do my full day of AFF. The rewards could be great but its hard to get myself to do it with all the problems that will be caused...
  9. Hi, My first post to the forum. I have decided to take up skydiving and have done a lot of research into it over the past year or so. I am currently only 19 and heading to college soon. I want to do my AFF course before I go to college but there is a problem holding me back...my parents. It is a one hour and a half drive to the dropzone where I plan to do the course, I have done a tandem there previously. The only way I can get there is to drive, parents permitting which they are not, or to take the train. I have tried persuading them that skydiving is very regulated and that it is made as safe as it can be. My dad does not mind me doing the course but my mum won't listen and is determined that it is basically suicide. I have been hooked ever since my tandem and want to skydive but cant see myself doing it during college. I guess I could camp the Dz? What are your opinions on this. Thanks!