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    Sin City Skydiving
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  1. The dropzone where I was landing is about 300 x 300 of dirt and peas, with asphalt on all sides. I had not noticed the addition of more pavement, under my final approach side. I will not be jumping there again, until I am a much more proficient canopy pilot. As for the AFF students who begin there, a little special training should be in order. What do you think it might include?
  2. Even when I overshoot the dirt, and land 10 or 20 feet into the asphalt, I feel the lack of lift, almost immediately.
  3. I've never seen any discussion about how the air behaves over hot asphalt. It's seems to lift me up at one point only to drop me at another. I think the middle has hot air rising, but the edges seem to have falling air. My canopy and I just fall. I know it's best to avoid the relatively hot asphalt and land in the cool grass or dirt, but what is the best way to handle unavoidable black top landings?
  4. Whatever it takes to put the pilots worries to rest. Does he need to be a commercial pilot, if no money is involved?
  5. I was lamenting the loss of the ORIGIONAL EXCITMENT, until I forgot to zip my jumpsuit. Seems that a little thing like that can spin you like a pinwheel! I had adrenalin for days. Or the time my leg fell asleep in the plane. Who knew about such things. Hope I don't discover too many more.