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    the ranch skydiving
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  1. hey Ski ill split the bottle with ya, ill go easy on you with the pie too Wait , I pull what first?
  2. Hell they make parachutes for armored vehicles, they might be able to slow her down! Wait , I pull what first?
  3. For sure, after it's over I'm going to tell everyone that wants to that they can unlike the page! Thank you again for your vote! Wait , I pull what first?
  4. It runs for three more weeks and we were notified yesterday that 125 of our votes won't count because people didn't like the page, just the pic Wait , I pull what first?
  5. Thank You! Wait , I pull what first?
  6. Hey everyone! My fiance and I are trying to get our wedding sponsored by a magazine through a facebook like contest. If you guys can show some skydiver love and help us out we could win this thing! All you need to do is like the page and then like our pic on the page. It should be pretty easy to find us, we are the only couple in freefall!! Thanks https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mid-Michigan-Wedding-Organizer-Magazine/119104024775248# Wait , I pull what first?
  7. jrmrangers

    Name a beer

    How about " 2 out Stout" Wait , I pull what first?
  8. Im flying into Jacksonville late Thursday and heading back sunday afternoon evening if that works for anyone else id be happy to share a rental car Wait , I pull what first?
  9. Normiss Skymama promise5 Rick Bunky Jon Wayneflorida Florida wingsuit crew Trafficdiver mwolfe Tisket Thomas Crowe Hillson Jumpdude Keithbar missbrz Doogie Dakotakid23 Jrmrangers Trying to drum up a few more jumpers from my neck of the woods! OH and im in for a balloon and at least one chopper. Wait , I pull what first?
  10. First off welcome to the sport and the area! I jump at Skydive The Ranch but SDLI is a good DZ too. The closest wind tunnel is in New Hampshire, its about 4 hours from the city. Theres a bar in the seaport area called Nelson Blue, the owner is a skydiver and often hosts gatherings for skydivers. As far as workouts go , a lot of people rock climb to stay in shape not to mention any other of 1000s of things there are to do in the city! Good luck Wait , I pull what first?
  11. Sorry, had to give a good cause a bump Wait , I pull what first?
  12. Just got some great news! Blue Skies mag is going to put my fund raising link on their website and in Octobers issue!! I love the skydiving community!! Thanks everyone that has helped out already and if you haven't , please help with this worthy cause! Wait , I pull what first?
  13. That's great! I'll keep in touch, we can get together for a post race drink in Vegas. Wait , I pull what first?
  14. just wanted to stop and say thank you to those who have contributed to this worthy cause! Every dollar get us closer to a cure!! Wait , I pull what first?
  15. Thanks! Im good at running, I suck at computers!! Wait , I pull what first?