Hi, thought I'd share my experience. I did an IAD on October 9 and immediately fell in love with the sport. So I came back this Saturday and started AFF training, I did 1-4 on Saturday and they all went well: good jumps, good maneuvers, and good landings. Went to a friend's birthday party that evening but I was so exhausted (the jumps combined with a lack of sleep Friday night as I was out so I had only had 3-4 hours of sleep friday night) that I just stood around and left early. Got home around midnight and collapsed in my bed setting the alarm to get 9 hours of sleep. But I woke up early around 6:30 and was just too excited about the jumps.
AFF 5 started ok, but went bad during the left turn I entered a high speed turn (leg out of position) and lost lots of altitude fast. Arched and pulled the main at 5500'. I did a coach jump after that which went ok but my turns sucked so I opted to do another coach jump and again started well managed to start/stop turns and was very stable. Went for the main chute at 4000' couldn't grab it and I lost altitude quick as I went into a dive and ended up belly to sky. Checked my altimeter gave the main another shot, again couldn't grab it. Was spinning fast and belly to sky, altitude was at 2800' I waved off my coach who was in a hard dive after me and pulled the reserve. The riser caught on to my next as it deployed and I've got a nice burn with lots of exposed soft tissue across the back of my neck. Did a PLF landing back at the DZ with the main still in the pack
Tried to do too much too quick that combined with physical exhaustion. I pushed the envelope a little too much. At pull time I should've arched harder and kept stable, but lack of experience got to me. Every jump (that was my 9th) I managed to execute an excellent pull, so it was an odd feeling not getting it right away.
Once I'm healed going to find a wind tunnel and get some time in their with a coach to sharpen my maneuvers .