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Everything posted by glueBag

  1. A cypres fire is nothing more than a cypres fire. The important things are the reasons, the possible corrective actions and the ratio "screw up"/mishap. For instance: - acute medical reason: probably mainly mishap, I'd go back skydiving after recovery - chronic medical reason: light screw up, I'd go back skydiving only with medical agreement - expected collision (big way, coaching...): moderate screw up, i'd asses again the actual level of risk vs the real risk before going back skydiving - unexpected collision: significant screw up, i'd get additional training and step back to more appropriate groups before going back skydiving - too busy or alti failure: major screw up, i would get some serious additional training for discipline and awareness before going back skydiving Anyway, this is purely hypothetical... over the last 1000 jumps i hardly used any AAD. As a side question: why were you so specific in the topic? Why is the cypres fire different from other life threatening situations? GB