OK, a quick lesson in business............
How much should it cost? Just curious. Standard USPA AFF course should cost:
1st Jump = $160 With the Drop Zone making NO MONEY.
2 Instructors @ $35 a piece (some ppl need to make a living)
3 slots on the plane @ $20 per = $60
Student gear rental = $15 and that's just upkeep and a little bit of replacement after a few thousand jumps.
Instructors pack jobs @ 7 per (packers need to live also) = 14
Do you want your jump video taped (which is becoming pretty standard for training purposes)? Who is paying for the upkeep and replacement on the camera's (which, by the way run about a grand a piece)?
Who is paying for rent on the hangar where your jump planes are kept?
Do you like those jump suits your given to wear? Who pays?
With the bargain mindset your closing down dropzones. Things aren't free in this world.... OH, I almost forgot,,,,,,, What's the current gas price? If you still have a question hit me back and I'll give you more of a breakdown. Also, this sport is constantly evolving. Do you want to jump an old rig? Yes they work but I want the rig with the "current mods" for safety. Blue skies 13 men in a dead man's boat and the oars leak!?!