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Everything posted by Kmart

  1. Yeah but your "respondents" believe in God but have decided they don't need them. I can't reject god because there is no god to reject. There is no god for me to not need. I do reject the belief in god. I reject the hypothesis of god. I accept reality.
  2. I have no anger. What is the object of YOUR anger?
  3. Yes, it pointed out the ridiculous absurdity of the Biblical statement to which it was a response. Please explain your understanding of the Scriptural directive in Romans. Dude, he just using exactly what you said. To heck with "understanding the scriptual horseshit". You stated you can kill because "the Bible instructs us to follow the law of the government" and his examples were all of people following the orders of their government, hence good christian morales or whatever. So in your face! :p
  4. I can see you have experienced a lot of pain and disillusionment in regards to religion. I can understand and compliment you for standing on your own and forming your own opinions. Hopefully you will pass through this cloud and be able to understand your spiritual nature as it was meant to be, one with God. In the mean time, I agree, honesty to yourself and your feelings is your best bet. ... Lol, nope your wrong again. I have no "pain" toward religion. I simply no longer believe in fairy tales and Bronze age mythology. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Typical Christian thinks there is some deep resentment causing me to lash out against religion blah blah blah. Like I am angry at god or something. God doesnt exist so how can I be angry with him. I am as angry at god as I am angry at Santa Clause, Frosty the Snowman and Leprechans. They all have equal status with god as far as i am concerned. All fictional characters. It's really just this simple: I DO NOT BELIEVE IN BULLSHIT FAIRY TALES. THE BIBLE IS FICTION. Why is that so hard for christians to comprehend that someone can truely and simply NOT BELIEVE? I will never be "one with god" because there is no god to be one with. Get it?
  5. No... it wont Actually it will. I'm fairly certain it wont involve going to hell or being judged, but your day will come I know, I just meant not the day he was referring to
  6. Your day will come. Just thought I would share this bit of comical genius with you. "His day came". He brought laughter to many, sometimes at the expense of religion. Lol
  7. Your day will come. No... it wont
  8. Just take note of the website of the link he posted. Far from an unbiased site. Lmao. They believe the universe is only 6,000 years old and don't believe in evolution even though evolution is FACT.
  9. I have my popcorn and my recliner so cut loose. What am I missing, What experiences have you had that I haven't, What is Truth, What new things does a free mind see, and since our destiny is oblivion and a source of protein for several generations of maggots, what does it matter what infectious thoughts one may entertain when its all over? I don't live in fear anymore. I no longer have to fear eternal suffering in hell or eternal boredom in heaven. My life now has more meaning because this life is ALL I HAVE. Make the most of it! The thought of living on for all eternity kind of makes this life pretty pointless. The Church profits from fear. It's their cash cow. The more people that help spread that fear the more people that get infected and become slaves to it and the church profits even more. Suffering for all eternity in hell was an absolute genius marketing ploy I have to admit. Fill them full of fear then sell them hope. CHA-CHING$$$$$$ I love knowing there is no "plan" for me. My destiny is mine to make. I decide my fate. That is so empowering I can't describe. I am no longer a slave to fear since I unbrainwashed myself from religion. I am FREE! The truth = There is no god. The Bible is fiction. I can now say... Fuck God! Fuck Jesus, Fuck the bible! Fuck all religions! .. I can say that without fear. It's kind of fun. You should try it. :p I can prove God doesn't exist: GOD, if you exist please strike me dead this instant! I DARE YOU! I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!
  10. Jump out of an airplane without a parachute. As longn as you don't believe in gravity, you'll be alright. Right? Stand out in the middle of a busy street as long as you don't believe in big trucks. You'll be alright. Right? The light in the tunnel is either going to be the light at the end or an oncoming train. It will either "free your mind" and lead you to the truth....or squash you like a bug. One way or the other, however, you will meet the train. Your conscience informs you of this. You won't admit it but you know (because the rest of us all do) that lying is wrong. Have you lied? "All liars will have their part in the lake of fire." What you're doing now is dancing around inside of the plane with the music blaring, having a great time, about to jump out without your parachute on. You have no idea when that "green light" is going to come on. LMAO, what's funny is you actually think you made some valid point. I see everytime you have no real counter argument you blurt out lame, incoherant garbage in an attempt to derail someone's argument. I will not waste my time going through your reply pointing out why your reply was so grotesquely ingorant and poorly thought out.
  11. Weak? That's funny coming from someone who believes in invisible friends despite a total and complete lack of any objective evidence for their existence. And, given the obvious design/completely of the universe, you believe that everything came from nothing, blew up, and became, by some blind force of nature, an organized everything. Don't get me wrong, I greatly admire your faith. Actually, you are the one that believes everything was created from nothing. Or do you believe everything was here already and god just arranged it? If so then where did everything come from? If you say God created it then you are saying it came from nothing. And why do you pretend to know his exact thoughts on the origin of the universe? You seem to think that every atheist thinks the same exact things. Atheism is not a religion. There is no belief system for atheists. Get it? When religious folk ask me how I think the universe was created I ask them where did your god come from. How did your god come into existance? Whatever answer they can give me for god's existance, I can give that same exact answer for the existance of the universe.
  12. Thats easy to answer. There is no God. I don't have to atone for shit. I will not have to "give an account" to any fairy tale being after death. I will simply die and ceast to exist. What's sad is when you die you will never know that you wasted so much of your time and effort while alive for nothing. I feel sorry for you. I really do mean that. Such a waste. I wish I could help you see the light. Free your mind. Take the blindfold off, but I can't. Religion has done it's job and has fully deluded you to the point of no return. I just hope you don't infect to many other people before you go.
  13. Sam Adams' Black Lager is currently my #1 beer. Love it! Anchor Steam is my #2 beer I like a lot of the Sam adams beers and dont like some. I still haven't tried them all yet. Some of the ones I like are "October fest", "Coastal Wheat" and from the imperial series "Double Bock", kind of pricey though
  14. Kmart

    Overrated Crap

    "The Sixth Sense" I am amazed at how many people think this is a great movie. It's a boring piece of shit. Just because it has a suprise shocker at the end it's like... "OMG Bruce Willis was one of the dead people the whole time and diudn't know it!!!!" So fricking what. Yeah, it was a cool twist but it doesn't make the whole movie good. BY FAR the most overrated movie I know of.
  15. Kmart

    Freefly BASE

    That's just sick! Insane!
  16. The girlfriend is doing good. She hasn't had to repeat a level like me yet. We are currently on the same level. She is having a problem with landings though. She injured her tailbone and it hasn't stopped hurting her for 2 months now. A few times she didn't flare and she keeps lifting her legs and landing directly on her rear.
  17. Hello! Just thought I would introduce myself. I'm an AFF student with 9 jumps. I live in Louisiana but jump at Skydive Spaceland, near Houston (about 2.5 hour drive). I'm 36 years old. Both me and my girlfriend are going through AFF together. It has been pretty awesome to have someone to share the experience with. I can't wait to advance in this sport. With only 9 jumps I am already addicted and can't stop thinking about skydiving. So far I have been doing well in my training, though I have had to redo a jump already. It was the first time doing turns and I sucked, but I have done much better since. I have had stand up landings on all but one jump so far. I'm happy to have found a site to discuss skydiving and meet more people in this sport.