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Everything posted by CaretakerAl

  1. Sign up for a rudimentary comprehension course, or better yet, Dick, Jane and Spot, book one.
  2. "Who knows more? Clyde, Knoss, or Bill Rataczak?" I do not believe that is my point. These are good people. Enough said.
  3. "How many of think the boots where enclosed in the X chute as Knoss has claimed?" Like normal you don't read well. The dummy chute with the X was the good chute, sewn shut to be sure nobody tampered with it. If he took his boots aboard, they were probably in the bag or maybe the second rig. I stand by everything I have said, with a few updates of deleted Jo stories and double-ups on conversations with Richard McCoy, Jr. (Mac) If what I have said is in conflict with more recognized individuals, I recognize their right to say what they wish. I may not agree. What I saw and heard through 1968 was first-hand. After that date information was telephoned to me by Sgt. Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr., up through 2000+. I will not make any claims against the crew. This was an authorized exercise and not intended to be a criminal event. It is the court system that declared otherwise. It is a stalemate and for my part, will stay that way by mutual agreement. My intent is to inform without disrupting that balance. My documents are secure, like Jo's records, and in my mind carry far more credibility. They are, however, nothing more than history and prove absolutely nothing without corroboration from certain other parties. THAT will eventually happen, but NOT of my accord. Disbelieve all you want. Profess 'til you are blue in the face, but keep a copy to double check the book to end all. I predict you will drop your jaws, blush with embarrassment and offer your apologies for not taking me seriously. No skin off my nose, yet. Your responses are the intended response. It was all intended to work this way. NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. EVERYTHING STANDS ALONE AND TIES TO NOTHING. EVERYTHING HAS BEEN PURGED. The 'crew' is still at work with damage control. It is just that this remains a stalemate, but I'd like to see Weber gets the credit. I guess there is some kind of problem with that, but nobody will explain it to me. I'm not a team player. I believe in as much full disclosure as possible, but I'm not in charge here. I have no hard and fast agenda, but I am very angry with how it affected the stews, Jo, me, and others. THAT is bad news and has not been addressed. So much waste! Cruel in fact, and for what purpose? Airline safety? Had to be another way. Sucks! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Laugh all you want. Not funny.
  4. August 23, 2001 - you are going on about McCoy and I have told you I don't believe you. August 23, 2001 - now you have taken the BAIT - suddenly you make this remark. "Mack liked the name Tommy Gunn and said that's the name he would use". You betcha!! All covered. All true. Absolutely. Verified. Please add that you totally refused to even consider any part of it because you wanted the story about Duane doing it all by himself and not as a directive from Mac and Project Norjak. Tell that one, too, Jo.
  5. "August 23, 2001 - " The picture of McCoy was a man who died of cancer. He did not look anything like McCoy" "McCoy had black hair and sharp features, was handsome, tyaller than Duane, a scar on his right cheek near his eye" "You have met McCoy. You know McCoy as another person. He is a very good person, bu8t you are afraid of him. Don't play me." The phone discussion from the above had been after Knoss insisted the photo of McCoy on the front of the book was NOT McCoy and that someone else was killed in McCoy's place." THANK YOU!!! This is ALL TRUE!!!! At least we get some truth into these pages! I verify everything you say on Carr's Facebook page, if you want to check it out. FANTASTIC!! MORE!! MORE!! Prove this is what I have always said and never strayed from the course! THANK YOU!!
  6. 'harm coming to you from someone called - Linbaugh, Hinbaugh or Hinball." HUH?? I have NO IDEA what you are jabbering about. Obviously you are mad and trying to harm me somehow. You aren't very effective because your jibberish is just that. You make no sense. I hit the sore spot with McCoy and you want to do me in right now, totally. Calm down. You can do more damage to me later, when you are cool and collected. Right now, you just look silly.
  7. "Are you 100% certain you're NOT confusing it with the Ethics in America series that WAS done on PBS that Jennings DID take a part in?" Not confusing anything except who produced it. All the guys were Fox guys except Jennings and the NY guy. Could have originated elsewhere, yes with all the standards from the Fox Round-table shows, it would be an easy misunderstanding.
  8. "Considering..." Yah, I know. Jennings was with ABC and died in 2005 and Hume left ABC in 1997 for Fox. I watch Fox all the time, but flip often. Juan Williams and a couple other journalists were on the round-table discussion, perhaps Krauthammer, and a New York editor, discussing the ethics of reporting national secrets. Do you kill the story, or do you report it... I've been looking for a trail but have found none. I thought it was strange to have that combination of anchors together. Seems I saw it around the time Jennings died. He was not well. My guess, early 2005, when he was not working. It did happen. Did I watch it live?? Maybe not. I'd like to watch it again. With Williams moderating it could have been a PBS show, too. But with all the Fox guys...... I know I got the important stuff right. 'Eddy's Dad used to raise eggplant..." My uncle was big on horseradish. Six spoonfuls on half a dozen eggs. Probably related.
  9. "What channel do you listen to?" FOX! I think Juan Williams was the moderator on the show. Peter Jennings, so it was a while ago. I have an exceptional memory on this subject and can quote verbatim on much of it. Bad info in, bad info out.
  10. QuoteMy recollection is that the X was on a container, not on a canopy. No container was found at Amboy, just a canopy. You are correct, Sir, I was incorrect in my description.
  11. "I have never said...." You may not have written it down, but you said it to me on the phone. You also said that he had found a shovel there. Now I don't care one way or another, makes no difference to me. Fact of the matter is that you have said an awful lot of things that you do not remember, forgot, or have confused with your "tests". Your credibility is going down the dumper really quickly here. I am slowly discovering if we don't fit the story you are concocting, we are in error. You story is changing more by the day, do you realize this?. Pretty soon it will be just you and Duane, like Bonnie and Clyde! Better advise the cable channels that you have just evaporated one of their broadcasts. They might run it again and substantiate a real fact! I didn't watch one hour of programming in my dreams! And I don't make up stories about ranger towers that Duane built. Really. This is seriously affecting you and I am becoming honestly concerned. What do you want? I won't fabricate stuff for you.
  12. "Ckret replied: Yes we have the serial numbers and interviewed the rigger. One chute was returned to it's owner, two were never found and one is in evidence." The returned one belonged to Cossey, the one in evidence has some of the chords cut off it, and the rig that is missing included the chute with the "X" on it. The string that was used to sew it shut would be on the floor of the airplane because Duane removed it. That rig was buried under the ranger tower Duane helped build, per Jo Weber. More things you can verify. If the Amboy chute doesn't have an "X" on it, it was not Cooper's.
  13. "The Trial of DB Cooper. Now there's an idea for a book or movie." HBO Special. "Mock Trial of DB Cooper." Produced by DZ et. al. Starring "actor Richard Stillman" (look-alike.) Google that. Like the James Earl Ray mock trial, only better. (You know they knew each other, right?) It is only fitting. "You DO NOT want to go there. VERY DANGEROUS!! Forget it!!"~Cap
  14. "I think ol Dan might want to plead innocent and take his chances with a jury. That generally seems to work out well on the west coast anyway." Especially if it were pillars of the community performing a secret Government mission to protect the citizens of the World against terrorists, foreign and domestic.....................
  15. "Weber knew only too well what his future held when he was diagnosed in 1970 or 1971." McCoy and I knew it in 1968. Your dates must be in error.
  16. "Flights were posted and you could sign up or trade, but it was normally based on seniority as I heard it. Right? Holiday flights were not a flight of choice, so anyone with any seniority could easily swap to get one, particularly on milk-runs." Right? What about radio vectoring to known coordinates? How accurate is that? 100 yards? That could be done in a complete black-out, right? How well does your flightpath map coincide with the oil pipeline map when you shift it 15-20 miles west? What were the winds and the crab? What was the correction? How does it coincide with Portland airspace and the controller fly-around order? Read Project Norjak. We have an eye-witness that saw the plane on that flight path, and McCoy threatened her to be quiet. (From two first-hand sources) Where are the missing notes to the flight deck? They did not go back to Cooper. One went to a reporter, where is the other? Who's handwriting is on those notes? Find the notes. At what date did the evidence description change from a gold BYU medallion to a tie clasp? Read Bernie Rhodes and Callimine. Anybody? Buhler? Where is Buhler? ANYBODY?
  17. "Smile No such meeting televised or otherwise ever occured. Unimpressed If it did - PROVE IT!" Honestly Jo, trolling at your age!! You should be ashamed. As stated numerous times, I do not have an agenda like you all. I watched the entire program, start to finish an listened intently. I found the arguments both pro and con to be most compelling. The most important statement to me was the conformation of information I had received directly from McCoy about him being the only one who was rehired. I repeated it to Pasternak. This program satisfies my need to know, but I see no responsibility to TRY to convince you. I know better. You have made up your mind McCoy was not involved no matter what it takes. You won't follow up because you wouldn't accept it if you were broad-sided by a Bronco. (Private pun) Love you, Dear, but you are the most stubborn, untrusting, flighty blond I know.
  18. "Al, You state that "Milk cans float when submerged." Please elaborate. No satire intended." Milk cans are designed with a taper fit on the lid. The lid wraps around the top of the can. A very unusual design. Keeps contaminates out of the can. If you submerge a milk can, or if you bury it, then flood the area, it will hold air and act as a float of sorts, a bouyant vessel. If, on the other hand, you tip it over, the contents with come falling out immediately as it applies force to the tapered lid which just kinda sits there. If a milk can were to pop up from a buried location (you can calculate the bouyant force of a 5 gallon can and it is tremendous) and into a water depth so as to float the can (perhaps 12" or more), it would float until finding a shallower bottom (the sand bar or before) at which time it would begin to ground, eventually to the point of a horizontal position where the lid would fall off and expose the contents. Subsequent waters would wash it clean as bundles of paper money do apparently float. Hence, my recommendation, "If you want to find the money, look for a milk can!" I would suggest 100 feet off the shore, at the flood plain line, and most likely at an outside bend in the river.
  19. "Who knows what was in that bag? But the money was found just down the river only 6 months or so later." (Jo) "An undisclosed number of shards of twenties were found in the vicinity, some pieces as deep as three feet down, and others as far as 100 feet away from the main stack of three. Some bits were discovered at the very upper reach of flood tides, perhaps 50-100 feet inland." (Jerry Thomas) And you want people to believe all of the deterioration on those bills the FBI photographed occurred in only 6 months??? Go back to the records of the area and find when that area was flooded after 1971, the BIG one, and you will find the level of degradation/duration to be more in the realm of plausibility. "Upper reach of flood tides." Milk cans float when submerged. They seal tightly until tipped over. Pop up just like a casket in La. Try one, it's fun! Come on, this is simple stuff. I don't understand why we are going down this 'throwing cash away' road. You did not see cash. What is your objective? I know the local property owners don't want a hoard of gophers invading the bar, but let's be factual here. Look it up. I didn't videotape the milk can history in slow-mo. It is, at best, incidental to the case in chief. Just a source for a display of greed. It has no real probative value unless you want to trespass and prospect for mush.
  20. "I didn't say HOW crew members were assigned. I said that once they were, they often worked with the same people for a long period of time and often remained on the same route(s)." Flights were posted and you could sign up or trade, but it was normally based on seniority as I heard it. Right? Holiday flights were not a flight of choice, so anyone with any seniority could easily swap to get one, particularly on milk-runs.
  21. "And this last conclusion is supported by some of the people you have apparently mentioned above." What would you expect? Full disclosure?? 'Crazy" would be a natural response, wouldn't it. It is self-defense in the simplest form. I'm probably a 'druggie' and on release from the padded cell also. I am just laying out the facts as they exist. These are fairly well-known facts that nobody cares to talk about. I'm not saying anything new, just grouping things in the real column. The book writers group the fiction stuff in their 'let's pretend' books. It is only fair to the true enthusiast to contrast a little truth to keep the interest peeked. Duane floated some trash down the river to see where the money floated off to...simple. That won't work today. What the kid found is indicative of where the other $160K is, or floated past... The human intervention was the flooding. Nobody messed with the money. Mother Nature got it.
  22. "Al, If you cannot verify your own statements why should anyone else try? " Who are you that I should spend the effort to give you a free-bee? Dan Pasternak, Peter Jennings, Brit Hume and others held a round-table that was televised, discussing whether or not this story should be released. They concluded NOT. Hume stated he had verified the McCoy situation with George Tenant, but he did not mention Mac by name. Sylvester Stallone dedicated "Rocky V" to Mac, but he did not mention his name, just his general deeds. Denny, Laurence, Cap, Dave, Karen, Jo, Judy, Mike, Mac, Jim, Nick, Ralph and a bunch more can also verify much of the truth. They just won't open up to you. NONE of them. Who are you to deserve the time? If you can't figure it out with what you have, you are not very bright. I cheated. I was there, no investigation necessary.
  23. "Quade, Neither I nor anyone else has got the Cooper matter "all figured out". And I for one have never claimed otherwise." Robert Nicholson Wrong! None of you would admit to recognizing a bulldog if you were hit with a frickin' Mac truck!! Some if it is pure ego problems, some is brainwashing, some is criminal misdirection, some is just plain and simple stupidity or total blindness. You can play 'what if' and 'yah, but' games with minutia until the money rots to mush. Nero fiddled while Rome burned, too. The $200K, less the pocketful Duane took and the change the kid found, is all in Tena Bar, if that is what turns your crank. I do have it all figured out, have had since it happened, have been threatened by 'Cxx' and others for what I know. My lawyers say, "Shut up!" Everybody says, "Shut up!" Sorry, I have a grudge, too. My information is truthful, no bad memory! No brainwashing. No ego trip. No story to sell, no interest in a reward to collect, or cash to dig up. My only interest is to expose what really happened. No copywrites, no TV shows, nothing. Verify what I have said. You can never prove otherwise without false information. (Which abounds more in this case than in the JFK assassination) There is an old addage: If you can't handle the truth, you baffle them with bullshit. THAT, people, is what a whole crew of devotees has done. I won't participate in that approach to dealing with ending this case. Too many people know I speak the truth, but they all think they have something to fear from agreeing with anything. If you want to solve your quest, verify my statements. If not, I understand the game. Play on, but I am on the record NOW with a Wiki-leaks Special Report. Verification will be presented soon enough, first hand, I guarantee it. Case Exposed. EOM
  24. "BTW, this goes for anybody..." Thank you, Sir. I have sufficiently proven my point to at least one human being and will leave you with that knowledge. If you are too egotistical to trust but verify, may Jamie and Blevins move next door to you. (ØØ)
  25. Poke fun all you want, it does not change the fact of the matter. I can only report the way it was. If it doesn't suit your fancy, you can take it up with Duane. I will not twist the truth to make it easier for you to understand. You will have to twist to the way it was and accept it or disbelieve it in your own minds. I couldn't make up a more unbelievable story, and that was their intent. Nothing is as it seems. That is what made it such a clean operation, despite all the little things that went wrong. It is what it was and I will not lie about any of it. Just be silent about some things. Amazing how one's ego overpowers one's ability to accept something as fact. No skin off my nose. I'm content now, anyway you like. Be happy. Buy Blevin's book!